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I picked up the call, my tone all straight-to-business mode. "Carlo, what's the matter?"

Carlo's voice crackled over the line, delivering news that rattled me to the core. I could only manage a shocked "What?"

My arm slid off Enzo's shoulder, my eyes widening in disbelief. The weight of those words crashed over me like a tidal wave, leaving me struggling to hold on to my phone.

Enzo voicelessly formed the words beside me, "What happened?"

Carlo's voice continued over the line, relaying the details, but I was no longer listening.

The words kept on replaying in my head. My father, the man who I had seen two days ago…was dead.***

I pushed my foot down on the gas pedal, my grip on the steering wheel tightening as I accelerated toward the Fiore family residence. Beside me, Enzo sat, visibly shaken by the sudden news of my father’s passing. The very idea of my father being gone felt like a cruel joke, an unimaginable reality.

"Emilio, are you certain he's...?" Enzo's words trailed off, unable to fully express the doubt that lingered in the air.

"I don't know, Enzo," I replied, my eyes fixed on the road ahead. The notion of this being a twisted prank seemed a true possibility. It couldn't be real. There had to be some mistake.

As we arrived at the Fiore compound, I couldn't wait to get out of the car. My steps felt too slow as I headed inside.

The atmosphere was heavy with grief and uncertainty. Members of the Fiore organization wore sorrowful expressions, their usual vivacity subdued by the news.

At the front, my uncle and brother were engaged in a solemn conversation. Throwing aside any pretense of formality, I made my way toward them, my voice shaky with a mix of grief and disbelief.

"What's happening?" I demanded the question, leaving my lips before I was ready for the answer.

They exchanged glances, and the weight of their expressions confirmed the news. My uncle was the one to break it to me, confirming the unthinkable - my father was dead.

My abuser was gone, and it felt like a surreal blend of dream and nightmare.

I stood there, at a loss for words, grappling with the reality that I had both wished for and feared. My uncle's comforting hand patted my shoulder, offering words of encouragement, but they felt distant, like echoes in a tunnel.

"You'll need to be strong, Emilio," my uncle's voice reached me, but my mind was in a haze.

I looked at him blankly, unable to fully grasp what this meant for me. He left, leaving me alone with my thoughts, or so I thought, until my brother stepped forward, an unexpected concern in his voice.

It caught me off guard; today seemed to be a day of surprises. I couldn't hide the confusion that painted my face.

Carlo seemed to choose his words carefully, acknowledging the weight of what had transpired. He mentioned the torment our father had put me through, and his concern felt genuine. I locked eyes with him, suspicious of his intentions. What was he trying to convey?

"What are you getting at?" I asked, unable to hide the distrust in my voice.

Carlo leaned back slightly, offering no further explanation, leaving me hanging with unanswered questions. He mentioned the funeral, instructing me to be present within the next two hours before departing abruptly.

Two hours? The speed and urgency of the funeral arrangements puzzled me, leaving a whirlwind of confusion in its wake. When Enzo approached, concern etched on his face, I could only voice what was swirling in my mind.

"A funeral in two hours? How... how is that possible?"

Enzo's voice dropped to a hushed tone as he shared what he had overheard. My father had been found dead yesterday morning. The words hit me like a punch to the gut, a mix of disbelief and a strange concoction of emotions. He had been dead for almost a day, and I was finding out now.

Why hadn't anyone told me earlier? The feeling of being an outsider, even in my own family, intensified. I wanted to confront my uncle and older brother and demand an explanation for the secrecy and the lack of communication.

I looked in the direction they had gone, but I found myself paralyzed, unable to summon the strength to challenge them. Numbness overcame me, wrapping around my senses like a thick fog.

I couldn’t move or speak. My father, the source of fear and pain for so many years, was no more. A part of me was relieved, but another part felt guilty for such emotions. He was my father, flawed and cruel, yet still my father.

"What... What happened to him?" I managed to stammer.

Enzo hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "It's not entirely clear yet. Some say it was a heart attack. Others aren't so sure. There's a lot of talk about the circumstances."
