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"Enzo, you'll be with me, and it's during work hours, so there'll be plenty of people around," I attempted to assuage his concerns and hopefully persuade him that this was the right thing to do.

He muttered, clearly not entirely convinced. "That's also a problem, you know."

I chose to brush off his lingering doubts, focusing on my goal.

"I'll be fine. Trust me," I replied, my voice laced with determination.

Finally, Enzo relented, his tone carrying a mix of resignation and caution. "Fine, just buckle up."

As we arrived at the familiar building of Joe and Burrows Law Firm, nostalgia washed over me. It had been quite a while since I last stepped foot here. Shaking off the sentimental pull of memories, I made my way toward the entrance, only to halt when I noticed Enzo close behind.

Realizing his intent to accompany me, I blurted out, "You can't come in with me, Enzo."

Enzo's expression turned serious as he asserted, "I compromised on you coming here because of the Esposito family information, but I won't compromise on this."

I let out a sigh, feeling a twinge of frustration, though I couldn't help but appreciate his protective instincts.

Mentally grumbling about Emilio's similar behavior, I asked, "Then what should I introduce you as?"

Enzo waved off the concern.

"Doesn't matter. We're here for something important," he said firmly, signaling that there was no time to dwell on formalities.

With his words left hanging in the air, we entered the building.

The interior of the law firm was as I remembered it. The firm's reception area boasted a sleek, modern design, its spacious layout adorned with minimalist decor.

A large logo was subtly embedded into the wall behind the receptionist's desk. As we moved deeper into the building, the hallways revealed numerous private offices with glass walls, creating a sense of transparency while maintaining a level of privacy.

Making our way through the corridors, the muted hum of work and the click-clack of heels echoed around us. Finally, we reached my office, situated at the end of the corridor.

It was spacious and well-organized, with a large wooden desk positioned in front of a floor-to-ceiling window that offered a good view of the city.

To my surprise, standing in front of the desk were none other than my group members, with Luca holding the file. Relief flooded through me.

We exchanged greetings and pleasantries, their warm words creating a sense of familiarity that I hadn't realized I had missed.

"You look good," Matthew remarked with a grin, "like you've been on holiday or something."

Dave nodded in agreement, adding, "We've missed having you around. The office isn't the same without you."

I was immediately enveloped in a warm hug from both Sophia and Luca.

"Griselda, you're finally back!" Sophia exclaimed, her voice tinged with genuine joy.

Luca chimed in, "We missed you! It's good to have you here again."

I couldn't help but smile. I reciprocated their warm embrace.

"I've missed you too, both of you," I admitted. Looking around the office, I added, "I can't say I've missed the firm, but I did miss my office view."

Their laughter filled the room, momentarily lightening the tension that had built up within me. However, amidst the laughter, I noticed that Enzo was not near me, and I looked around, trying to locate him.

My gaze finally fell on Enzo, standing at a cautious distance away. It was enough to give the impression that he was someone else, not overtly attached to me.

I breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that Enzo had given me the space I needed, especially in the presence of my colleagues. At least for the moment, I wouldn't have to answer any awkward questions from them.

As much as I wanted to catch up with them, I reminded myself of the reason why I had come here. There were matters I needed to attend to, and I couldn't afford to linger longer than necessary. Looking at Luca’s hand, the sight of the familiar folder, its edges slightly worn with time, evoked a surge of memories.
