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As I took the file from Luca, murmuring my thanks, Dave's curious question interrupted my train of thought. "What do you need the file for?"

I hesitated for a moment, frantically searching for a plausible excuse. Before I could muster a convincing response, a familiar, sharp voice sliced through the air. I quickly moved the file behind my back.

"Griselda, what are you doing here?" Carmella's sharp voice sliced through the air, demanding to know why I was back at the firm despite my suspension.

"How is it any of your business?" I shot back, meeting her gaze with defiance.

Carmella's eyes narrowed, her lips curling into a disdainful smirk. "You think you can just waltz back in here as if nothing happened? You've caused enough trouble already. You should be glad we didn’t press charges for what you did."

I clenched my jaw, refusing to let her rile me up. "If anyone has caused trouble, it's you. Don't act like you're innocent in all of this."

Carmella retorted that she wasn't the one who went against the firm's policies and got suspended. She smirked and said that I should feel fortunate that I wasn't fired, considering how much damage I had done to the firm's reputation.

My patience was wearing thin, but I maintained a cool facade. I took a deep breath, gathering my wits before letting loose and pelting Camilla with a string of insults.

"Carmella, do you ever shut up? It's almost impressive how you manage to keep running your mouth even though you've single-handedly botched more cases than anyone else in this firm! You've become a laughingstock, a byword for incompetence. Everyone here knows how much money you've managed to lose for the company. Yet astonishingly, you're still employed."

Carmella's expression contorted in a mix of humiliation and fury as my words hit their mark. Her eyes widened in a moment of disbelief, her cheeks flushing red with indignation. She seemed to be struggling to find a response, her mouth opening and closing soundlessly. The mask of superiority she usually wore cracked, revealing a vulnerability she rarely let others witness. Despite the anger in her eyes, she appeared momentarily at a loss for words, which was a rare sight.

My voice was sharp, and I didn't mince my words. "So, do yourself a favor and stop trying to antagonize people because, frankly, it's beneath you. You've sunk low enough already."

Feeling no need to remain in her presence any longer than necessary, I bid my group members goodbye.

"See you later, guys," I called out to them, while they looked quite shocked but secretly exchanged satisfied glances as I walked away.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as I made my way out the door and past Carmella, who seethed with fury but had nothing more to say. I also noticed that Enzo had moved closer during our verbal spat. It made me feel safe, also for my baby’s sake, and I felt grateful towards Emilio for tasking Enzo with my protection.

We walked back down the corridor toward reception. Holding the file as nonchalantly as possible, I walked by the last offices with a confident stride. With the exit straight ahead, I mentally started counting down from ‘three.’ But before we could reach freedom, we were intercepted by the arrival of Mr. Gilbert.

His haggard appearance spoke volumes about the struggles he had endured to keep the company afloat despite the havoc Carmella wreaked. I couldn't fathom how she had managed to retain her position despite all her missteps.

Mr. Gilbert cleared his throat, and I sensed a combination of surprise and relief in his expression as he addressed me.

"Griselda,” he paused to clear his throat, “I've heard you're back. I was just about to contact you to let you know that your suspension is going to be lifted," he said, his voice hesitant yet eager.

I glanced at my former colleagues, noticing their curious glances and hushed whispers.

"Mr. Gilbert, there's no need," I replied evenly, my tone firm but composed.

Perplexed, he pressed on, his brows furrowing with concern.

"What do you mean? I don't understand," he inquired, leaning in slightly as if to catch every word I uttered.

I met his gaze with an open expression, making sure my decision was clear.

"I mean, there's no need to lift my suspension because I am resigning," I declared, enunciating each word carefully.

The room fell silent for a moment, and I could feel the weight of their collective gazes on me. I saw Luca's eyes widen with surprise, Sophia's worried expression and Dave's eyebrows shoot up, his mouth slightly agape.

Carmella, meanwhile, wore a sly grin, clearly relishing the turn of events. Mr. Gilbert's mouth opened and closed a few times as he struggled to find the right words.

Close behind me, I hear Enzo cough, no doubt covering a laugh.

"Griselda, are you sure? You've been an integral part of this firm, and we value your contributions," he implored, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation.

I couldn't help but scoff inwardly as Mr. Gilbert struggled to find the right words. Was he truly desperate to have me return, or was this merely an attempt to make up for Carmella's losses? I couldn’t remember a single incident when my work had been praised, appreciated or respected.

"I meant what I said," I responded coldly, my resolve unshaken, "I'm not interested in working for someone like you."
