Page 63 of Dagger

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He kisses me hard and passionately before licking the seam of my lips, and I open willingly, letting his tongue tangle with mine.

After a few minutes, he slows the kiss before rubbing his nose against mine. "I promise I won't hurt you like that again. I know it takes action to prove my words, and I will prove them. You are everything to me." I nod, my eyes glistening, when we both hear a small bark, and he chuckles while I grin wide. He looks down with a wide grin on his face before bending down to pick up our girl, who instantly licks at his chin, making me giggle. Travis looks at me with all the love he has for me, making my grin go wider before he leans forward, gently placing a kiss on my lips while rasping against them. "How'd you feel about burgers from the bar?" I smile wider and nod, making him chuckle. "Alright, baby, go for a shower and get comfy. I'll call Leah, then feed little Miss."

He places another kiss on my lips before going off to do what he said, and I smile, my heart full of love but also hope. I'm hoping I'm not making a mistake by giving him another go. I hope we can make a future together.

A few hours later, we're cuddled up on my bed watching my small TV with my head on his bare chest and his hand playing with my hair while he explains what happened after he went home. He's told me all about his time away and the pain of losing Marshall. He thankfully skipped the part about being shot and having someone dig the bullet out; I don't think I can bear hearing about it, and now he's finally, fucking finally, getting his peace.

"So basically, after Stormy realized everything she put me through wasn't a lie or a rotten kid trying to cause shit, he ended up dragging her into the common room, which was full. Everyone was at the clubhouse tonight. She was screaming that I was lying, and Shacks was lying all while everyone looked at her in confusion. It fucking sucks though because Stormy didn't believe a word I was saying until Axel found Shack's phone, which had several insurance footages of Leslie helping him get off, of her tying me up and stripping me before they needed a few people to hold me down; he had everything saved, which Stormy decided to shout at her in front of everyone."

My heart stills while my eyes widen. "He told your whole family about your trauma?"

He nods, "unintentionally. He didn't want to believe it until the proof was shown. I honestly don't know how I can forgive him, Mel, or any of them. Foryears growing up, I told him and the brothers what she was doing, and they didn't believe me. I showed him my body tonight, and he still didn't believe me, while the others were skeptical. Shacks was bragging about it, but still, nothing. It wasn't until he saw the actual evidence that he finally kicked off. He put her before me every single time, yet when Ink heard my story and saw my body, he instantly felt guilt for what I went through and decided to confront her while the brothers were keeping an open mind."

I gently lean my hand up and smooth his hair out of his face. "What happened to Leslie?"

I'm not stupid; I know this Shacks guy is gone. They're not completely innocent, but they only hurt those who hurt their families.

Does it make it okay? No, but I wouldn't change my man for nothing, except for when he strayed; otherwise, I wouldn't change him.

He sighs, bringing me back to him. "Stormy said he couldn't kill her. Ink wanted to, even though she's his mother, but Stormy refused. Tank had to be held back from beating his best friend." He sighs, gently running his hand down my back. "Knowing what she did to me, it was decided for her to be booted out of the clubhouse and off club property; she's no longer welcome, and if Ink decides he wants to see her, it'll be in town. Stormy's also taken away her cards. Cammy attacked her when she came out of her stupor before Butch escorted her off of club property. Cammy tried trying to talk to me after words, but I just walked away from her and all the eyes of my so-called brothers who listened to Leslie's lies growing up. I know I spoke to you about forgiveness, but I just...

I smile gently at him. "She was like a surrogate mother to you, but she took your abuser's side before saying crap about your mom and the brothers, who are your family; they weren't there for you when you needed them, like you were there for them."

He nods, and I put my nose into the crook of his neck, understanding. Parents screw up, but sometimes they can go too far, and when you have such a big family like he does, for them not to believe him or even look into it is just plain wrong and heartbreaking.

He runs his hand through my hair again. "Have you heard anything from your dad?"

I nod, knowing he means Callum. "He showed up at my job last week, but not because he wanted to talk to me; he wanted money. I had security escort himout." He tenses, but I continue, "I contacted Gunner, who made sure he left town with his dad's help." I feel him nod. "And what about your relationship with Butch?" I shrug. "He's been trying to contact me, but I'm not ready to speak to him. I understand his love for his wife, but he is not claiming me for her. It's wrong, and then for her to try and buy me? most of my childhood was destroyed because of her."

He nods. "I understand, baby. When you're ready to speak to them, I'll be there for you like you're always there for me.”

I nod before taking a deep breath, breathing him in while one of his hands stays in my hair, playing with it, and the other traces his fingers up and down my spine while I trace the tip of my finger over his Navy seal tattoo on his chest. As I trace it, I furrow my brows, noticing writing just above the anchor. I start tracing the writing before I hear him suck in a breath while his fingers on my spine never stop tracing up and down.


My heart skips a beat while my breathing picks up before I sit up a little to look at him, my eyes watering, and he smiles gently at me while brushing my hair out of my face before rasping, "I told you, Precious, I love you."

I sniffle and lean forward, kissing him gently on the lips once, twice, three times before he takes over the kiss, his tongue tangling with mine while his arm tightens on my back, his other hand gripping my cheek.

He rolls us on my bed, making Bella jump off before leaning over me between my legs. Our kiss heats up as he rubs his dick against my pantie-covered pussy. My hands grip his back while he leans on his right arm, keeping his weight off of me before using his left hand to gently glide up my side, pushing the t-shirt that happens to be his that I stole before everything happened up and I became tense.


He breaks the kiss and furrows his brows at me before rasping, "If you're not ready, I'd understand, baby. I'll wait however long you need."

I clear my throat and nod before looking at my name above his Navy tattoo, not willing to meet his eyes. "I-I uh, I want to; I really do; it's uh, just, uh, I’veneverdonethisbefore.”

I say the last bit all together before chewing on my bottom lip, worried it may be a turn-off before he gently pries my lip from my teeth. He places two fingers under my chin, making me look into his eyes, and I roll mine when I notice the pride in them, making him chuckle.

"You just made my fucking year precious."

I laugh when he waggles his eye brows before he kisses me again, turning my laugh into a moan. He leans his body further into mine, molding us together before kissing down my chin to my neck, sucking a little in between my neck and shoulder. He grabs a hold of the t-shirt, lifting his body a little so he can take it off me, and I bite my lip, lifting my arms up, making him smile. As soon as the shirt is off, my bare breasts come into view, my nipples pebbling, and he groans before leaning down and taking one into his mouth.

I gasp at the sensation while his right hand starts to play with my other nipple, twisting it before gently rubbing over it with his thumb. I'm moaning and groaning underneath him as my hands keep a hold of his head, ensuring his mouth stays on my nipple.

He looks up at me, making eye contact before he moves down, his fingers hooking the edges of my panties and I swallow hard before nodding at him. Without breaking eye contact, he slowly inches the panties down my legs, ensuring his finger tips graze them, keeping me in suspense. As soon as he throws them on the floor, he glides his hands on the inside of my legs while pushing them open. He keeps eye contact as his tongue pokes out and licks me from entrance to clit making me gasp while he groans. His eyes close as he dips his tongue inside me while his hand moves across my pubic bone, down to find my clit. He flicks it before rubbing tight circles on it while his tongue moves in and out of my entrance.

I'm rifling underneath him, not able to stay still, causing him to place his right arm over my stomach, keeping me in place. He moves his tongue from my entrance to my clit, circling it before gently sucking it into his mouth, and I moan. My stomach flutters before tightening, and my heart rate picks up. He continues teasing my clit before gently rubbing a finger around my entrance. He pokes it in gently, a little at a time, before pushing his digit in. I gasp, feeling a little full before he pulls his finger out again, all while still sucking and teasing my clit. My breathing picks up as he enters two fingers into my entrance, rubbing my walls before curling them and hitting my g-spot. He sucks my clit hard while at the same time rubbing his fingers, and I cum, hard.
