Page 15 of Ink

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"Are you ready for our lunch date?"

She clears her throat and nods before looking at me. "It was good seeing you, Ink."

I nod, "Jackson." She looks at me funny while the douche canoe grins wide, making me look at him funny again. He clears his throat and pays attention to Diamond; huh, weird.

I look back at Sophie, "You call me Jackson. I'll be seeing you, Pixie." I whistle for Diamond, who comes straight to me to pick me up before giving 'Todd' a head nod and walking out of the exam room with a furrowed brow—I could swear I saw him checking me out.

I shake my head at my stupid thoughts as I walk through the reception area.

I give a one-finger salute to the receptionist Lucy, who wants a tattoo on her inner thigh but is most likely looking for a quick fuck, which won't be happening now that I have Sophie and I do have her; she just has to get on board. I look down at Diamond as we walk out while murmuring, "I hope you like this place gorgeous because we'll be back a lot."

2 months later

I sigh, not listening to Flame go over the plan for our run that I have to go on in two weeks.

I should be zoned in so I know the details, but nope, instead, I'm thinking about Sophie, the beautiful redhead who's still not giving me the time of day. I've lost count of the number of times I've taken Diamond to see her over the past couple of months, and she's still adamant she's staying with the fucking banker!

I'm unsure how long I stay out of it until someone nudges me, making me look up before looking around the table, and I wince.


I mumble, and Dagger smirks at me.

"Alright, little brother, what's on your mind?"

I cross my arms over my chest after leaning back in my chair and scowl at the amusement in his voice.

"I don't want to talk about it."

Am I sulking? Yes, yes, I fucking am!

He chuckles knowingly. "Sophie?"

That makes my scowl go deeper, and I fucking regret talking to him about her. I don't want to fucking talk about it either, but my mouth doesn't seem to get the memo.

"I don't fucking get it. We have a connection; I know she fucking feels it, but she won't give. Leah told me she's a vet, and I've fucking taken Diamond to the practice she works at several fucking times. I even saw her with her 'kind of boyfriend,' and she barely let him touch her. Why the fuck won't she give me a chance?"

Someone from behind starts laughing, and I scowl, seeing our dad, his eyes full of amusement.

"It's not fucking funny, Dad; out of all the fucking women I feel a major connection with, and she wants fuck all to do with me."

Both men laugh their asses off, and I growl, waiting for them to calm their hyena's asses down before Dagger clears his throat.

"OK, so you want her? Then go fucking get her! I never pegged you as a quitter, brother. She thinks you're a player, so prove to her you're not. Stop fucking sulking and be the badass biker we all know and love." I raise my brows at him, and my eyes widen.

She thinks I'm a player?

I try to think back, wondering when she's seen me with a woman.

Then it hits me—the receptionist.

I gave her a number for her to book the tattoo that I knew she didn't actually want, and Sophie was there. For fucks sake, The tattoo didn't even fucking happen anyway; she booked an appointment after showing up, realizing I gave her the 'wrong' number.

When it came to said appointment, she fucking showed up in nothing but a black fucking coat, and I had to kick her ass out.


I nod at Dagger and pat his back before rushing out of church with them laughing at me. I pass Clitter, who tries to get my attention, but I ignore her. She's pissed that I haven't touched her in two months. I haven't touched anyone in two months; if my memory is right, it was with her and Ginger when I last not got off, but since meeting Sophie, she's all I can think about; she consumes my thoughts.
