Page 27 of Ink

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He glares at Dad, but I ignore them and look at my mother to see happiness radiate from her features. I truly see how nasty she actually is to my big brother.


She looks at me as my suspicion rises: "What else did you tell Dad Travis was at fault with when I did it? Growing up, I was a fucking shit, and I loved that you treated me like I could do no wrong. I took advantage of that as we got older. So what fucking else did he have to suffer from?"

I can't keep the anger out of my voice, knowing he's had the shit beat out of him for my fucking mistakes; he was fucking starved!

"I broke the TV, yet Dad thought it was Trav even though he was in the library, where he spent most of his evenings trying to make Dad proud. I mean, shit; he got valedictorian, and I was the only one who fucking showed up to celebrate." I see Dad look at Mom from the corner of my eyes as confusion laces his voice. "You told me he failed all his classes; it's why he joined the Navy Seals."

I laugh sarcastically, realizing he fell for her lies, hook, line, and fucking sinker.

"Dad, you must undergo extensive training to become a seal. If he failed school, how in the hell would he have the concentration to become one?"

My anger has finally blown at the look of triumph on Mom's face.

"I brought a girl home at 12 and fucked her in the pool. I smoked weed in my room at 13, then had a major banger of a party when you two went away for a few days at age 14, and let's not forget about crashing the club truck at 15 when I was drunk off of your scotch that I stole with a few buddies. How about when I got arrested at 16 for public indecency? I fucked some girl in the bowling alley, but it was mom who picked me up, yet the next day Trav had a black eye. At 17, just as Trav decided to leave, I trashed the clubhouse to see if you'd punish me, but you didn't. The next day, as Trav caught the bus out of here, you gave me my bike."

Dad snaps at me, "Alright, Jackson, I fucking get it. Travis took your punishments, but that didn't stop him from hitting your mom and making her life hell, all because his mom had died of an overdose."

But I'm not done because he's just fucking fishing for something Dag had done growing up, and when he's done, fuck all. Dagger speaks first, though, letting out a laugh.

"A-an overdose? That's what the bitch told you mom died of? Seriously?" Our 'father' growls, but Dag continues, "I think you need to gain access to her medical records, Stormy. My mother died during childbirth from preeclampsia. Jewels was also at my birth; she made sure I knew of the life my mother was creating without you in it. It's just a shame my mother thought ending up with a man who told her to get an abortion would be better than care, but she was fucking wrong; nothing could be worse than under your fucking roof."

I go to speak again but don't get a chance when Dagger's phone rings. I look at him while my father barks again, "Don't you fucking dare answer that phone, Travis; this conversation is not finished."

He instantly tenses, making me stand up straighter while he puts the phone on speaker.

"Sniper here."

My whole body goes hard. No, fuck, no.

"Sniper, it's Budgie. Our intelligence is exposed, and the time frame has increased."

He's in seal mode; the VP is well and truly gone. "ETA?"


I shake my head, my eyes starting to mist.

No, please, no.

"Text me the coordinates; I'll be there."

My father sits down in a lump while I lean over the table, placing my hands down as my tears start to fall.

"You're not going, Travis. Please, you can't go; you nearly died 5 years ago before you came home."

You can hear the panic in my voice. I was the one who sat by his bedside while he fought for his life last time. I can't do that again. I fucking can't.

"I'm sorry, brother, they need me." He rasps before I feel him hugging me around my neck. "I'll be safe and try to stay in touch, I promise." He whispers in my ear before he kisses my head, then runs out of the house, and a sob comes out.

I hear his bike start up and spin out of the driveway as Dad rushes out of the house after him, screaming his name, but he won't stop; his squadron always comes first. Now I'm realizing why; they're his family, we are not.

I slowly stand, feeling the need to see my girl pulling at me harder before my mother grips my arm. I look at her with a cold look, and she furrows her brows.

"Where do you think you're going? You know you don't leave until we've all finished."

Is she fucking delusional?
