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"What do I do, Dad? How do I help her through this?"

My voice is raw, and I feel nothing but pain and worry for my girl. Dad squeezes my shoulder before rasping, "You hold her tight, son," I nod, kissing Sophie's head before standing. Doc comes over to me while the nurses wheel her into a room with Meghan and Leah following, Gunner not far behind while I struggle to breathe.


I look towards Doc, and he squeezes his eyes shut.

"She's still ventilated. We can't switch her off without Sophie's permission; she's her next of kin."

I sigh and drop my head. "Fuck."

Doc squeezes my shoulder, making me look at him. "It's going to be hard, son, but you need to try and make her understand her momma; she's not going to wake up."

I nod and wipe my face as a tear falls, and Axel approaches me, gripping the back of my neck and making my head fall to his shoulder. While Doc and my dad squeeze my shoulder before I stand straight again, "I want to, uh, I need to her."

Doc nods, and we follow him to Ashley, who is still in triage. When we get in there, I swallow hard; she's intubated, and the machine is breathing for her. The brothers stay near the door as I walk over to her, taking her hand and sighing before I rasp.

"Your talk yesterday about taking care of your daughter—you knew you would do this, didn't you?"

I hear the others suck in a breath.

"She still needed you, Ashley. She wasn't ready to lose you too. You were hurting; I get that, but you were also selfish because now your daughter isn't going to want to breathe without you. You were her person. How can I help her through losing the one person she always turned to, especially with her relationship with Leah up in the air?"

Tears fall down my face as my father walks over to me, gripping my arm before David walks in with tears in his eyes. He takes a deep breath and hands me a documentation envelope and a small white one; both have my girl's name on them.

"These were on her mother's bedside table."

I shake my head as Axel rasps, "Suicide notes?"

David nods.

I squeeze my eyes tight before opening them again. Tears fall down my face as I lean forward and kiss Ashley's forehead before I rasp, "I promise I will always put her first; she will know she is my queen, and I promise Leah will always be taken care of."

Dad squeezes my shoulder before I look at Doc.

"Take me to my girl."

Chapter 19


I wake to beeping, slowly coming around.

Where am I?

Am I in a hospital?

But why? What happened?

I slowly blink my eyes, looking around the room, until my eyes land on Jackson. I smile, seeing his beautiful face, before I see the sorrow in his eyes. I furrow my brows before looking around again. It's just us, but we're in a hospital room.

Jackson gets my attention again as he rasps, "Pixie," and everything comes back, and I look forward towards the door.

It's my father's fourth death anniversary.

I went to Momma's,

I found her unconscious and unresponsive.
