Page 12 of Scorch

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I wanted to tell him to get his arrogant ass in that car and leave, but I was curious as to why he was here.“I dated Micah for a short time.”

“Did you date just him, or were you involved with several of the bikers?”

He had not just asked me that.The freaking nerve of this man.

“If you’re insinuating I was a club whore, then that bodyguard you have driving you around had better be armed.”

He smirked.“I take that as a no.”

“You’d be correct,” I snarled, angry he’d even suggested it.

“Why was he here if you are no longer dating?”

Was he seriously going to keep asking me about my personal business?

“He is stubborn,” was my short response.

“About?”Garrett pushed.

I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest.“Why does this matter?I should be asking you why you’re here and how you found out where I lived.Was having me fired not enough?”

Garrett casually strode closer to me, and I really wished I didn’t find this man sexy.Even the way his muscular legs moved in jeans was hard to look away from.I was going to need to get a job so I could buy myself a vibrator, pronto.

“I’m here to speak with you about your job, I got your address from Silas, and last night was unfortunate.”

I let out a laugh.“Unfortunate.That’s what we are calling it?I needed the money I could make there to get a safer location for my camper, pay bills, save for car repair.I have a daughter who is depending on me to have a job.Now, until I have to go pick her up from her job, I need to go get myself another job.”I was heated, just talking about it.My voice had risen, and I expected the blond guy to step out of the car at any moment to threaten me by walking in my direction.What was his purpose anyway?Did Garrett piss people off so often that he required a bodyguard?

“Working at Moriimeans you have to respect the members.Your behavior last night wasunfortunatebecause you forced my hand.Telling you to leave wasn’t something I wanted to do, but I had no other choice.”

Hearing him say it like that only furthered my belief that it was my fault.I’d already come to that conclusion last night.I didn’t want to have him shoving it in my face.Sure, his girlfriend had been rude, but they were members.He was clearly important.I should have kept my mouth shut.Working there would have never worked.My mouth would have gotten me in trouble eventually.

“I understand that.Trust me, I paid for my disrespect with more than one humiliation last night.It was a lesson learned.Is that all?I need to go get ready.”

Garrett rubbed his short, neatly trimmed beard with his thumb and pointer finger.“That depends.Do you want your job at Moriiback?”

“What?”I asked.

“You heard me, Fawn.If you want the job back, it is yours.Trusting that you can tame your smart mouth.”The corner of his lips twitched.“At least with the patrons.”

I uncrossed my arms and let them fall to my sides.“Why are you offering me my job back?”

He studied me for a moment.His gaze traveled down my body, and I was suddenly very aware of the cutoff jeans, halter top, and flip-flops I’d tossed on this morning to take Gypsi to work.Why I cared that he saw me dressed like some trashy tramp I didn’t know.I wasn’t from his wealthy world, and I was happy about that.

When those gray eyes met mine again, I fought back the need to shiver.

“Do you really need an answer to that question, Fawn?”

I didn’t respond.I wasn’t sure I could.I felt breathless and flushed, and all the man had done was look at me.Lord, if he could do this with a look, what could he do with his hands?NO!I was not thinking about that.I was not.Besides, it was never going to happen.

“I’ll let Silas know you’ll be at your shift tonight,” Garrett told me, then walked back to his Bentley.

The driver was out of the car and opening the back door before he reached it.Garrett pushed the brim of his cowboy hat back down, then climbed inside.

I stood there until he drove away, trying to make sense of what had just happened.


