Page 21 of Scorch

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The elevator doors opened, and we were on the bottom floor.

Garrett raised a singular eyebrow at me.“I am helping you.”

Maybe so, but the way he did it made me feel as if I had no say so in any of it.He had found my purse.I should have thanked him, but he’d started controlling everything, and I had reacted to it.

I dropped my hands to my sides and let out a deep sigh.“Thank you for your help.It’s been a long day,” I explained.

“Yes, it has,” he replied, motioning for me to walk out of the elevator.

I went, suddenly feeling exhausted.My fight was gone.Let the man get my purse cleaned.What harm was in that?

Garrett walked to the door and opened it for me.I saw the Bentley he’d come to my camper in parked outside with the blond man he’d called Kye standing at the passenger door.He’d been leaning against it, but straightened when he saw me emerge from the building.

“Kye will see you home safely,” Garrett informed me.“Good night, Fawn.”Then, he closed the door and left me outside with this man.

I made my way to the car as he opened the door.

“Thank you,” I said to him, and he grinned.

I realized he was young.His smile was charming and not-at-all menacing.

“You’re welcome, Ms.Parker.There is a bottle of water waiting on you.If you would like something more, I can pour you some wine or champagne.”

I shook my head.“No.The water is good.Thanks.”

He nodded his head once, and then I climbed inside the car.The caramel-colored leather was soft and warm.The door closed behind me, and I buckled my seat belt as I took in the luxury.The car smelled like Garrett.

Closing my eyes, I laid my head back.This was a world I knew nothing of, and I doubted I’d ever set foot in a car this nice again.I wished I weren’t so mentally tanked and could enjoy the adventure.



Placing false crimes on someone to have them locked up wasn’t moral, but I wasn’t moral.Besides, Eliana was getting a much easier punishment than if she were a man.The only reason I was handing her over to the police to deal with her was because the forms of punishment I dealt in would end with her dead.She was a lying, twisted bitch, but her crimes didn’t necessarily deserve death.Perhaps I was getting soft in my late forties.There had been a time I’d have handled her differently.

Silas walked back into the club beside me as the police cruiser left with Eliana handcuffed in the backseat.Blake had been terminated and sent home already.I’d made my point.There would be no other problems for Fawn here.No one was stupid enough to make the same mistake.

“I’ll need to find two new servers,” Silas stated the obvious.

“Yes, you will.Be more selective this time,” I informed him.“And make sure that they are aware any cruelty toward Fawn will end unfavorably for them.”

Silas nodded.“Yes.I will be sure that all the servers are aware of exactly what will happen to them.”He cleared his throat and messed with the bow tie at his neck.He did that when he was nervous.I often made Silas nervous.“Will, uh, Fawn be returning?She didn’t seem sure.”

My hands tightened at my sides.I had that same concern, except for a very different reason.

I wanted Fawn Parker.She wasn’t the whore I’d assumed.I now realized she had thought she was exclusively dating Micah.I wanted to get to know her better.The woman I’d seen, the way she handled things, intrigued me.It was the opposite of what I had expected.The fucking piercings in her nipples, which had been obvious in that sundress she’d changed into, had my dick and curiosity piqued.I was going to see those tits bare.Having her here at the Morii would make it easier for me to get close to her.

I had made mistakes, and she wasn’t a fan of mine.She might even hate me.She was going to take some work, but I had complete faith in my ability to warm her up to me.I wasn’t a man who was told no, yet this woman kept throwing that response at me with no fear.It made my dick so damn hard that it hurt.

I was going to have her.She just wasn’t aware of it yet.Soon, she’d be begging me to fuck her.She’d crave my hands on her.All it would take was one taste of how I could make her body feel, and she’d give me what I wanted.Knowing Micah had touched her infuriated me in ways I didn’t want to think about.I didn’t typically care about a woman’s past relationships, but with Fawn, I found myself wanting to kill every man who had ever been inside her.

“She will be back,” I finally said.

“Yes, sir,” was his only response.

I walked off and left him at the elevator.I had some things to handle before going home.The humiliation and embarrassment on Fawn’s face while watching the security footage had ignited my need for violence that having Eliana arrested hadn’t managed to tamp down.I wasn’t sure how I was going to ease it, but I had some ideas.

Pulling my phone from my pocket, I found the number I needed and dialed it.First, I had to focus some of this pent-up rage on something other than revenge.I had a female to win over.The sooner I got to fuck Fawn Parker, the sooner I could get over this insane pull she had on me.
