Page 29 of Scorch

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I inhaled sharply as I straightened.He’d said he wanted to bend me over and put his mouth between my legs.Was that what he meant?

“This is … about sex then?”I stammered over my words.

“Yes.Sex and the simple fact that I like your company.I like that you’re different from what I am used to.”

I sighed.“Sex is a bad idea, but I am good with the other.”

He tilted his head as he studied me.“Why is sex a bad idea?”

Because I was afraid he would ruin me and I’d never be the same.

“It complicates things.Right now, I work here, I need this job, and once you are done with me, you won’t like having me around.”

He appeared as if he wanted to laugh.“You think so?”

I nodded.

“My gut tells me you’re wrong, and my gut is never wrong,” he replied, then placed the cigar back into his mouth.

“Well, my gut tells me you’re dangerous and that I should run like hell,” I replied.

He chuckled and took the cigar out of his mouth.“Perhaps your gut is right too.”

What did he mean by that?I waited for him to say more, but he just watched me while he took a drink from his glass.Even taking a drink, the man was sexy.

“Garrett,” a male voice said behind me, and I turned to see Mr.Aiken coming into the room.

“Judas,” he replied.“Order a drink and have a seat.”

Mr.Aiken looked to me and smiled brightly.“I’ll have what he’s having as long as he’s paying for it.”

Garrett smiled and nodded his head once.I left, glad to have a reason to get some space.

While everything in my head was telling me that spending time with him was a very bad idea, the rest of me was begging me to enjoy it while I could.I always told Gypsi to make memories of the good times so you could daydream during the bad.I was going to take my advice.



The camper door swung open before I completely stepped out of the limo.My fucking breath caught in my chest at the sight of Fawn.Her blonde hair hung straight down her back, long and smooth.I wanted to wrap it around my fist while I slid my cock between her full pink lips.The pink top she wore tied behind her neck and didn’t quite touch the waist of her white linen skirt that hit mid-thigh, showing off her long, tanned legs.My gaze then fell to the toeless pink heels she was wearing.She wasn’t wearing a damn bra again, and those piercings were visible through the fabric.

Jesus Christ, I wanted to fuck her.

I watched as she walked toward me with a white purse over her shoulder.It looked new.She’d gone and bought one to replace the one that had been ruined.If she’d let me, I’d give her a designer purse in every color.She could take my Amex and go buy whatever she wanted.

“I hope there is coffee with this breakfast we are having.I ran out and need to go to the grocery store,” she informed me.Then, she looked at the limo and beamed a bright smile at me.“A limo, huh?”

This woman and her smiles.They did things to me.I found myself doing whatever I could to pull one out of her.If a limo did it, then I’d buy her a fucking limo.

“I thought it would be more comfortable,” I explained.I left out that I wanted the privacy it provided.

I’d told Six, who was driving us today, to stay in the limo.I wanted to greet her alone.

“You look beautiful,” I told her, enjoying the way her eyes always lit up.

“Thank you,” she replied almost shyly.

I stepped back and motioned for her to slide into the limo.The view of her perfect, round ass teased me before I climbed in behind her.She was looking around at the inside of the limo like someone who had never been in one before.
