Page 41 of Gunner

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I haven't seen my girl in two hours, which is two hours too long.

Nodding my head, I get up after saving my work on the bar's accounts and head to the door. I need to get my eyes on her.

Star messaged me and explained she's helping Leah through her trauma, which she hasn't done in the five years since it happened since she's had to stare at the fucker every day at work. It's hard because she's still not spoken to me or anyone really. I mean, fuck, she even got Ava to tell me she has personal things to do the two days a week she always has off, and I was not welcome to the knowledge of it. Not even Ava would tell me, only that she or Doc would go with her, so I know she'll come back because they're the only people who get to hear her angelic voice. I did ask Flame to look into it, and I know it was wrong, but do I care? Not one fucking bit, because fuck me, did I get a shock when I saw she was nearing the end of law school.

Pride and absolute love shined for her and her determination.

She's been going to school while working full-time and while being 22 weeks pregnant. My girl is amazing, and in only 8 weeks she'll be walking across the stage for graduation, where I'llmake sure I'm in the crowd cheering the loudest, so she knows she's not alone.

I walk out of my office smiling while holding the chocolate muffin I picked up before leaving my desk only to freeze. Adam, the slimy bastard of a foster father who fucking sold my girl's virginity, has a grip on her arm. He's in her face, which is streaked with tears, and her fucking lip is bleeding. His hand is raised, like he's about to fucking hit her again.

Both Trigger and I get to her just in time.

He grabs the soon-to-be dead man while I grab Leah, bringing her into my arms, while Trigger wraps Adams's arms behind his back, holding him tightly while he pleads,

"Wait, please; she threatened the club; I couldn't let that happen; you've been so good to me and my wife; you're my family."

Trigger furrows his brows as he believes him, and my anger spikes up while Leah lets out a sob, causing all three of us to look at her, but her eyes are not on us; no, they're on the fucking muffin on the floor that I just dropped.


I raise a brow while Trigger tries to hold in his laughter as my pregnant girl cries over a fucking muffin and not her split lip, Jesus.

Trigger clears his throat while Adam looks at Leah like she's mental, which yeah, right now she kind of is. I walked into her bedroom last night because I heard her crying, only to find out she killed a spider. Obviously, she didn't tell me; it was on the floor, so I cleaned it up and flushed it, only for her to cry harder.

Hormones: I tell yah they're going to give me fucking gray hairs.

"Why the fuck are you crying over a muffin when I've literally just threatened your life?" Trigger tenses while Adam forgetshe's been restrained. "I mean, I know you're getting fatter, but jeez, go and buy a fucking another one."

Leah glares at him before stomping on my foot just before the steel toe cap of my biker boot fucking hurting me, making me let go of her.

"What the fuck, Angel."

She doesn't answer me. only glares at Adam while Trigger tries even harder not to laugh, and I finally, fucking finally hear her angry voice, but at least I get to hear it.

She points at Trigger, who instantly stills fearing for his life.

"You can shut the fuck up; you know, seems as you don't fucking trust me. Even then, you saw him holding me, hurting me, and he spews some lies after HE sold my virginity, had ME assaulted, you still looked at me like you believed him."

Trigger freezes while I glare at him, making him clear his throat as my girl looks at the muffin one more time, letting out a little sob and an absolute heartbreak look on her face, making me shake my head. She goes to leave before I clear my throat at her. "There's two more in my office." She looks at me, her eyes instantly lighting up, and I chuckle despite the rage over the blood on her lip as she rushes inside my office, slamming the door, ready to annihilate those muffins.

I shake my head again while Adam still looks confused.

"Hormones. She's pregnant with my baby, you idiot."

He makes an 'o' face before realizing he's still restrained and tries to plead his case again, but I just gag him and narrow my eyes at a guilty-looking Trigger, “Get him to the fucking basement at the clubhouse and have ALL brothers down there. This fucking stops now; no wonder she wants fuck all to do with me still."

I turn and punch the wall as Trigger drags Adam out the back, where he'll meet Shane, who happened to be behind the bar today. As soon as he saw what was happening, he went and got the van. That man will make a brilliant brother.

I send out a mass text before going into my office.


I'm pissed, so fucking pissed, but as soon as I walk into my office and see my girl lounging on my chair, her feet on my desk, eating the last of the muffin, I instantly melt, my rage dispensing a little. I mean, her lips still fucking bleeding, but she looks happy.

"Alright, muffin lover, let's go; I’ve got a fucker to kill."

She looks at me and reluctantly nods before clearing up her mess, and I lead her to the new black 4x4 pickup truck that I bought for us and now use when I'm with her, ready to end this fucker and slay the last of her demons. I kept a hold of her inner thigh the whole way home. She must sense my anger because she doesn't protest.
