Page 28 of Slicer

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"I heard a rumor a while back of a woman searching for a brother named Noah." Noah looks our way, hearing his dad's words, his brows furrowing while his eyes stare into mine as my tears fall. "You never stopped looking for my son, did you?"

Noah's eyes move, looking into mine hard, waiting for my answer—the answer I didn't give him at the church because his girlfriend showed up.

I shake my head. "For five years, I have rang MC after MC, thirteen overall, including this one. None would help except for the Rebels and the Huntsmen. They agreed to keep their ears to the ground. The Huntsmen were the only ones who had my number.

He nods while Noah looks back at our girl, his nose going to the top of her head, making my tears fall some more, and I have to wipe them away with the back of my hand while emotions etch all over his features.

"My son's never stopped looking for you."

I shake my head and swallow hard. "And yet I walked into the church this morning with our daughter to see him having sexual intercourse with another woman against the wall."

His dad's head drops while Noah tenses, and I clear my throat and rasp at him, making his head shoot up again. "You are welcome to see your granddaughter whenever you'd like; she is your family," before I look towards my daughter and say, "Lilah Rose, let's go, Kitten; Mel's waiting for us."

Lilah nods while Noah's dad's eyes mist at hearing his granddaughter's middle name.

Noah helps Lilah down after kissing her forehead.

She grins at him and says, "Thank you."

He smiles at her, wiping under his eyes, while she grabs a hold of my hand before we walk into the marque on the club's property, not looking back, even though every fiber of my being wants to.

Chapter 11


I'm sitting in my office at the clubhouse. My elbows are on the black sleek desk, my head in my hands, and my eyes are on my lite-up phone with a picture that Mel sent me this morning when she and Dagger arrived at their destination with the caption, 'Thought you'd like this' when my father walks in with my emotional mother, making me lift my head.

My dad's eyes soften when he sees my red eyes.

I haven't slept; fuck, I'm still in the wedding clothes.

"How are you doing, son?" He asks as he takes a seat on the gray chair I have in front of my desk, with my mother taking the other one. I just shake my head, and he nods. "Have you spoken to her?"

I clear my throat. "No, she uh, she didn't stay at the reception long; she had to get Lilah home for bed. As soon as dinner and the speeches were over, she left, so I didn't have a chance. Doc said she's working tomorrow, so I thought I'd, uh, go see her at work while my, fuck, my daughter is at nursery."

I shake my head, dropping my head into my hands again.

Five years, I missed five fucking years.

"How could she keep her from you? What kind of monster is she?"

My head snaps up, my eyes narrow, and my father's face goes red.

"Woman, I told you she's been trying to find him. I told you she contacted thirteen fucking MCs to find him."

My mother scoffs, "She was clearly lying to save face."

I shake my head; my mother never sees the good in people because of her misdeeds, and yet if it were my sister, it would be a different story. I grab my phone, saving the picture as my background, before pulling up Steel's number. I put my phone on loudspeaker, and my father furrows his brows, wondering what I'm doing while my mother continues to scowl.

He answers after it rings five times:

"Slicer brother, are you back in town?"

I smile slightly. "Nah, brother. I uh, I was just wondering if anyone had called you looking for a brother."

My mother's eyes shoot to mine while my father smirks in realization: "Yeah, a young lady, Meghan, she called Fuck, must have been two or three years ago looking for a brother with the legal name of Noah. She sounded so upset and defeated. It turns out they'd made a baby together, and she wanted her daughter to have a father. A good one is that woman, who didn't care about the brother's background; she was just doing right by her daughter. Though I did hear longing in her voice, it sounded like she was heartbroken too, the poor girl. Why?"

My mother's tears fall while my father's eyes soften at Steel's description of my girl, and I nod and say, "I'm Noah, brother."
