Page 11 of Flame

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Razor hated not being on the council. He hated that he had to wait an extra year to prospect because he wasn't an MC brat. He was jealous and petty and decided to screw the club over, thinking he was too good to get caught.

I've gathered the evidence ready for Axel, but he's not having it until I find out where Hairy has hidden my dad and why Razor is suddenly involved, especially when he grew up with the brothers, but his story about Leah still isn't adding up. Why get her involved in his lies? What is it that Cara offered him to get him to comply to begin with, especially with him working for Hairy?

Her body, maybe?

"Come Firefly."

I nod, might as well do something, right?

We say bye to Axel, who is struggling without Annie, and head to my Jeep. Only girlfriends and old ladies go on the back of a brother's bike. The only one I've ever ridden was my father's, and I'd probably never get on the back of one again, although I am aware that Ginger has tried to get on the back of Zayne's a couple of times.

We get to the bar within five minutes before heading inside. I give a small wave to Leah, who furrows her brows before hope shines through her eyes, making me give her a small smile. Yeah, something's definitely not right with Razor's story about her; they just don't match. She's not high maintenance and hates drama, the complete opposite of what's been said, and not once have I seen her with a man or even flirt with a brother apart from the longing looks to Gunner. I need to try and dig deeper; maybe I should have a look at her medical records. With that thought, I take a seat at a table while Zayne orders us some drinks.

We sit for about half an hour, where I finally loosen up, and we end up laughing just like old times, connecting again. I finally start to relax, and hope enters my chest that maybe, just maybe, we could start something until Ginger, who was not long ago at the clubhouse, saunters over, which means she followed us here. She leans down, smirking at me while whispering something in Zayne's ear, and instantly he smirks, and my heart sinks because surely he won't leave me right now, not when I need him.

He knocks on the table twice, not even thinking about his actions, not giving a crap that he's leaving me on our first friend date in two years. He gets up, wrapping his arm around a smirking Ginger, before giving me a smirk of his own: "I'll grab a lift home with Ginger so you can just head straight to your flat. I'll see you tomorrow, Firefly."

I flinch at his use of the nickname while he completely ignores me, going off with Ginger, who gives me the finger, and I swallow hard, tears starting to build. My best friend is in the hospital; it was his fricking idea to come here to begin with, and he leaves after only half an hour with a sweet butt.

I can feel my tears starting to fall, and I quickly get up, gathering my jacket and bag before rushing over to the ladies with a frowning Leah following me with her eyes before she glares at the front door where my so-called friend left, a friend I know no longer want to speak too; this is the last straw.

I get near the corner of the exit about to enter the ladies when a hand comes out of nowhere, covering my mouth roughly. I try to struggle as the person drags me out of the exit near the camera out the back, where I'm shoved to the floor, holding my face against the graveled concrete. I try to fight, kicking my legs out and bucking my body, but the person's got me pinned down, and my heart beats wildly when they lean over me.

No, no, no. I start to panic as a hand reaches around me and pinches my nipple, bile instantly wanting to come up as I thrash around to get away until the person speaks and I freeze.

"Did you really think Shags wouldn't inform me that you were asking about me?Your daddy's dead, and you can't prove I did fuck all; now you're going to be punished not just for your curious mind but also for your club's sins."

My heart beats harder. No, my dad's not dead; I know he isn't; I saw the footage. I stupidly asked Shags last week about when Hairy was back in town, saying he owed me money because I lost him underground. He's put two and two together, coming up with five. He doesn't realize that I've been following him; he just thinks I'm asking questions to get him sent down.

He chuckles, "Tell Flame and the club; I said hello, yeah, doll face; this is their penance for killing my cousin; this being you just makes it even better."

Tears start to fall as he brings his hands to the bottom of my skirt, lifting it up, and my fight-or-flight instincts kick in. Now that the shock of him has evaporated, I start to fight to get away from him while laying my legs flat, not allowing him to gain access while screaming loudly. I'm a fricking virgin; he took my father from me for ten years; he won't take this too. No, no, no.

I start to struggle harder; my screams go louder when Hairy grips my panties, ripping them off my body, and I start screaming some more, thrashing around. I know Leah won't hear me because of the bar music, but Razor's only around the corner. Razor, no, no, no, he's already been working with this disgusting man. He's not coming to my aid; he's probably acting as a lookout. I hear rustling and try to get away from him before I feel him near my back entrance.


I start screaming louder and louder before he shoves into me really hard, making my whole body jolt forward as pain shoots through me. I feel like being torn in two, and I sob, screaming for help. He thrusts harder and harder, and I feel like I want to die; this can't be happening. I can feel the blood dripping down my legs as my tears fall harder while his thrusts go faster, grunting with pleasure. Bile rises again in my throat.

My fight fails me, realizing I'm not going to get out of this, and I go numb, my mind blanking, going black as I stare straight ahead to protect my mental health while he uses my body, taking it, tearing my back hole in the process.

I don't know how long he goes on before I feel him rip out of me, roughly causing more pain. Wetness splashes over my bum while he chuckles before some more rustling hits my ears, butI don't move; my whole body is numb. I hear his feet shuffle near me before he spits on my face, leaving me in the alleyway whistling as he goes all while I wish and pray to die.

Dirty, I feel so dirty.

Chapter 6


I don't move; I just lay here on the dirty floor, staring at the wall as uncontrollable tears fall harder down my cheeks.

That happened; it really just happened.

Thought after thought rushes through me. My best friend left me; he chose a whore over me, and I was raped because of him and the club.

They did this; they left me vulnerable. He left me vulnerable to his enemies. He left me.

I need to move; I need to get to the hospital; I need to make a plan. I'll scream and cry later, but right now I need to be the strong girl my father taught me to be.
