Page 22 of Flame

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"She mentioned not wanting to rely on you, and she finds it difficult because you slept with Emma."

Fuck. I slowly close my eyes, pain shooting through me when Axel grips my shoulder. "Brother, maybe we should go talk in my office."

I furrow my brows at him before looking at Annie. Now only seeing her red eyes and tear-stained cheeks, panic hits me hard, and she's quick to reassure me.

"She's ok; she's ok. I, uh, for months, I've been leaving messages on her voicemail, you know, to keep her updated with the brothers who are settling down and stuff like that, and today, well, today I was having a meltdown, let's say, I couldn't breathe, and I needed my friend, so I called like I normally do and fell apart on her voicemail." She sniffles, tears starting to fall again, and I walk up to her, wrapping my arms around her. She's been doing so well since losing her baby.

"Why were you falling apart, sweetheart?"

She sniffles again, looking at Axel, and he nods before she whispers, "I'm pregnant." I squeeze her tighter to me, knowing how hard this is going to be for her guilt, and she confirms my thoughts. "The guilt was eating me alive, and I hung up trying to breathe through my panic attack when my phone rang." I tense stepping back a bit and covering my mouth with the realization, "She called me Zayne; she called."

Axel clears his throat. "I walked in as she was on the phone to her. Star didn't want to talk to me but agreed to call every Saturday to speak to Lise."

I put my hands behind my head, linking them. "She's ok?"

Annie nods. "She is, but she's struggling a little financially, which is when I had to tell Logan about her mom and sister. She doesn't want the money just yet in the account I made her; she said she'd let me know, but um, Zayne, she, uh."

I give her a small smile in understanding, my heart cracking. "She doesn't want to talk to me, does she?" She shakes her head, her tears falling some more, and I take her into my arms again. "It's ok, it'll be ok. I know she blames me, and I know she blames the club." Most of the brothers look at me confused; only a select few know why Star left and what happened to her, but I ignore them and continue. "I know she thinks she can't forgive me or the brothers, but unless she's around us, then she'll never know. We’ll get her home; her talking to you is the first step." I kiss her head. "This baby, it's a miracle, and you're going to be an amazing mama. Do you hear me?"

She nods, a sob coming out before Axe takes her from my arms. I give her another smile before heading out of the common room to my office, needing space. She made contact, and that's fucking great, but she doesn't want anything to do with me, and that fucking sucks.

I go into my office, locking the door behind me, and take a seat behind my gray desk, grabbing my phone from my pocket before sitting. I spin it in my hands a few times before calling her again. I know she won't answer; she never does. Her voicemail picking up just proves it.

"Hey, this is Star; I can't get to the phone right now, probably hanging with Flame, but leave me a message and I'll get back to you."

I sigh and wait for the beep. "Firefly," I sigh again, "why didn't you tell me about your inheritance? I know I fucked up with your sister; fuck do I know this, but I thought you deserved better; I thought I wasn't good enough for you, that you'd open your eyesand realize you never actually wanted me, but I was still your best friend, Star; I was still your person." I put the phone to my forehead for a moment, sighing before placing it back to my ear. "I was the one who sent your application to the Art School of California.

I love you, Star."

I hang up and drop my phone on my desk. Every time I call her, I make a confession, hoping she'll call me back, but she never does.

Shaking my head, I get the map out, planning our next run. I need a fucking distraction.

A few hours later, I'm brought out of the paperwork when my phone rings and I sigh. It's not the ringtone I want to hear. Star has her own special one. Sighing, I drop my pen before grabbing my phone and scowling.


What the fuck does she want? I debate leaving it to voicemail, but I know she'll just show up because, just like her mother, she can't take a fucking hint.


She clears her throat at my tone and says, "Hey Flame, baby."

I narrow my eyes. "What do you want, Emma?"

She sighs, "Have you found my sister yet? Has she been in touch?"

I snort, "She's been in touch, yeah, but not with me."

"Then who has she spoken to?"

I tilt my head at her pissed-off tone. "And what's it to do with you, Emma?" I would bet my left fucking nut it's about money.

She clears her throat. "She left momma and me in the lurch; she owes us back rent."

I chuckle darkly. "She owes you back rent when she moved out over two years ago."

"Well, I, uh, you see..."
