Page 23 of Flame

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"You miss your cash cow," she gasps. "Yeah, I know all about how you and your mother have been using Star for years. Let me guess you blamed her for your father's death. Right, to guilt-trip her? like it was her fault he was shot down when she was only ten years old when she was nearly killed herself?" I smirked at her silence. "You are both pathetic, and you can bet your fucking ass we're going to take this further; you stole her inheritance because your father wasn't there to keep up your lifestyle, which means not only is that classed as theft but also identity fraud."

"Flame I-I please,"

I hang up on the selfish bitch. Star needed her family, but instead, they blamed her for something she had no control over. Then I fucked up by fucking her bitch of a sister while not noticing what she was being put through. I honestly thought she was bullshitting over how her sister treated her, but yet again, another fucking fuckup.

I bring Star's number up again: "Hey,this is Star; I can't get to the phone right now, probably hanging with Flame, but leave me a message and I'll get back to you."

I sigh when it beeps, "I miss you, my shooting Star.”

I hang up and close my eyes.

Where are you, my Firefly?

Chapter 12

Star – Three Months Later


"nine months Firefly, nine fucking months. "It's hard to breathe, baby, so fucking hard without you,"he sighs. "I need you, Star; I need you so fucking much. I feel like I'm missing the other half of my soul. I took for granted your being here day in and day out; I took your love for granted."He goes quiet for a few seconds before he shocks me: "I was the one who kicked the shit out of that fucker who tried to assault you after your seventeenth, putting him in a coma.

I miss you, Firefly, and I love you more and more each day.

Happy 21stbirthday, baby."

I wipe away the tear that's just fallen before putting my phone down. It's hard listening to these messages. He hurt me so much, but you can't switch off 21 years of friendship and 11 years of pure love. I'm trying to find forgiveness, but how can I after everything he's put me through?

I never thought I'd celebrate my 21ston my own.Every year I've spent it with Zayne, but yet here I am. My baby moves, and I smile.

"Your right, darling, I'm not alone; I have you."

I wipe away another tear before a sharp pain shoots through my lower stomach, and I gasp, sitting up a little in my bed. I breathethrough it. I've had Braxton hicks the past few days and ended up going on maternity leave, so I know the pain will fade, and once it does, I stand up, wiping away another tear. I miss Zayne, and I hate that I do. I hate that I can't breathe without him and that he's missing this experience. Sighing, I go to take a step forward when a gush of water trails down my legs.


"Guess you wanted to share a birthday with me, huh, baby? Didn't fancy waiting an extra month?"

With a nod and a hard swallow, I remove my panties before grabbing a pair of pajama pants, keeping my checked shirt on that I hadn't changed for bed yet. I grab my bag and my baby's before rushing out of my apartment, heading to the white Honda I swapped the Ford for. I climb in and squeal out of the parking lot, heading to the Mercery Hospital.

I had to stop halfway here when a contraction hit but I did make it here safely. I park up and sign myself in before being taken to a room where an IV is placed and some tests are done. I try to breathe through the pain, my tears falling as the doctor checks to see how far along I am. She looks up and gives me a smile, her green eyes sparkling. "Your 10-cms Star looks like this baby wants to share their mother's birthday."

I let out a sob and nodded my head, hating that Zayne wasn't here for this. I miss him so much, and I hate him for doing this to us. I need him.

"OK, Star, I need you to push on your next contraction."

Taking a breath I nod my head and do as I'm told as a contraction hits me hard. I bare down, pushing as hard as I can before stopping when the contraction subsides. I gasped in pain. "It hurts."

The doctor nods her head. "I know, and you're doing so well." She looks at the monitor. "I need you to push again, Star."

On a sob, I nod and do as I'm told, wishing I'd accepted the flipping drugs now. "That's it, Star. I can see a head covered in dark hair."

I sob some more, trying to push. Zayne's hair color.

I lean back, gasping, “I-I can't, I-I can't do it."

The doctor grips my leg and says, "Yes, you can; the head is coming on your next contraction; give me a big push, Star." She looks at the monitor and says, "NOW." I do as she asks as a nurse grips my hand, helping me lean forward, and I bare down, pushing hard, "THAT'S IT STAR KEEPING PUSHING THE HEADS OUT, KEEP GOING."

I don't know how long I do this until I hear the musical cries of my baby, Zayne's baby before they place them on my chest, and I sob as the doctor's words ring out, "It's a boy, Star; you have a beautiful baby boy." I sob some more looking at my boy's blue eyes, just like his father's, and I wish more than ever that he were here. The nurse takes some pictures before hugging me tightly and then taking my boy to weigh and measure him while I try to get myself under control and cleaned up.
