Page 37 of Flame

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Tears well up in her eyes before she whispers, "That was two truths."

I nod. "I'll give you them all if it means I can earn your love and trust back, and I'll try. Fuck me, will I try every damn day for the rest of our lives? I just don't know how you could after what I caused."

She sighs, resting her forehead against mine, whispering again, "My love never faded, Zayne; it's always been there. It started out as friendship, then turned into all-consuming. You are my one and only. The trust isn't going to be easy, and when I think about you with other women, throwing them in my face, including my sister, then with Ginger, I don't know if you can earn it back. I have days where I want you to earn my trust back, but then I have days where I don't think you deserve to have it back."

I nod, gently kissing her lips before I rasp, "I'm going to do everything in my power to earn it back Firefly. I know I should let you go and find someone worthy of you, but no one ever will be, and I can't live without you anymore."

She nods before placing her head in the crook of my neck, and I hold her tighter to me. I know we don't have long before Snake gets here; he's flying in, which is only two hours, then he will travel back in the van from the little bits of information I caught when I left the room, so I'm going to take this moment, just me and my girl, who I have fucking missed holding like this.

We stay like this for about an hour, me just holding her before Star speaks again, "What's up with Hawk? He seems detached."

I sigh. "He caught Daisy cheating on him seven months ago."

She leans back and furrows her brows. "Daisy? As in Daisy Harris, sweet Daisy Harris, who has held out for Hawk since she was a teenage Daisy?"

I wince and nod my head because, yeah, I told him something didn't seem right, but he was adamant, "He won't listen to reason, Firefly; he said he saw it himself."

She growls, "Fucking MC men!"

My eyes widen while she looks at our son quickly to make sure she didn't disturb him before hopping off my lap and saying, "Wha...Firefly?" I question: I was finally holding her; she needs to get back where she belongs, on my fucking lap. She shakes her head before storming into her living room with me hot on her heels, making all the men look at her in shock as she points at Hawk and says, "You mother, fucking idiot!"

I swear, I've never heard Star curse so much in my life!

Hawk holds his hands up, "what-what did I do?" He's in shock, and I don't blame him because a cursing Star is a fucking scary Star.

"What exactly did you see?"

I want to fucking laugh at the shocked look on my brother's face right now, but I also don't want Star's wrath, so instead I smirk and lean against the wall while the brothers make themselves comfortable, happy for Star to take charge with this one. We've all known Daisy since childhood; her sister was close to Ink and Hawk. We all know Daisy had always wanted Hawk, but she tried to date after her sister told her that she and Hawk were an item. You see, Hawk was her scapegoat, unfortunately, from her dad. Her sister referred women, and their father is old-school and would have disowned her for it. She, unfortunately, saw how Daisy looked at Hawk and vice versa, panicking because she'd already told her dad she and Hawk were together when she thought Hawk wouldn't make his move with her sister, so she lied to her sister, only thinking about herself and the money her father put in her account monthly, then apologized to Hawk, who had no choice but to go along with it, and then Rose was unfortunately killed in a car accident.

Hawk had finally managed to convince Daisy last year to give them a shot, but unfortunately for the idiot, he also asked to keep in on the down low because of his mother, and then he walked in on her, apparently kissing some other dude, which does not sound like our sweet Daisy Masie.

Hawk clears his throat. "Star, this isn't really..." She butts in; she's good at that, and I grin at her fiery side. "This has everything to do with me when you MC men keep fucking things up!" She grits out while the men start to complain, and I, like a good boy, keep my fucking mouth shut as she glares at each man who snap their mouths shut.

She points at Axel, "refused to give up easy pussy until Annie came around but decided to do it right in front of her," he winces before she shoots Dagger lasers, and he slinks back a bit, muttering 'fuck', "Actually, fucking cheated on Mel like a toss pot and should feel grateful she even gave another chance," then she looks at Ink, who instantly puts his hands up, but she doesn't let him off. "called Sophie a whore not willing to listen to her about her relationship with GAY Todd," she then looks towards Gunner, who nods his head. He knows what he did; "like the idiot he is, he decided not to look at a situation that was right in front of him properly; his girl was assaulted horrifically, then he shoved a bitch in her face over and over again." She then looks at Slicer, and he tilts his head, smiling at her, before she smiles back, shaking her head. "He struggled tremendously and didn't think he'd find Meghan, so I'll let him off." He chuckles while the brothers scowl at him before she looks at me, and I hold my arms out.

"I pushed you away, causing your rape, and broke your heart over and over, thinking you deserved better than this life instead of letting you decide for yourself."

Her eyes soften toward me before she nods, looking back at Hawk. "So this has everything to do with me, you idiot, because men in this MC screw up and Daisy is the sweetest person I have ever met despite her sister taking the man she'd been in love with for probably the same amount of time I have loved Zayne because she didn't want to lose her daddy's money like the spoilt bitch she was, so I'll ask again, What did you see, Leo?"

He swallows hard, knowing Daisy's sister was spoiled and loved the easy life, so he can't even defend her, and neither does Ink, who looks down and says, "She was kissing another man."

Star nods, raises a brow, and tilts her head, her eyes narrowing. "And her body language?"

Oh shit.

I drop my chin to my chest before looking back at Hawk, who furrows his brows. "Her hands were fisted onto the guy's chest while he kept a hold of her head." Realization hits him while Star shakes her head.

“FUCK!" he screams, grabbing the back of his neck and only just remembering that his blonde hair is in a bun. He shakes his head while Star rasps, "What did you say to her?"

He winces, "I told her, fuck, I said her sister was a better fuck knowing I took her virginity and I wished it was her still alive. The next morning I woke to Ginger and Clitter in bed with me. I checked the camera I had Flame install a few years ago, and nothing happened. They just decided to see if they could get away with it, but I never said anything because," he sighs, shaking his head, "fuck, because Daisy was in the doorway. I wanted her to hurt like I did for cheating."

We all wince, and Star growls, "And had you screwed her sister before she passed?" Hawk shakes his head before she rushes over to him, smacking his head hard and making him grunt as her living room door opens. Snake enters, raising a brow at the situation, while Axel chuckles, "Just another brother fucking up and misreading a situation with his woman, who he treated like crap and now has a fight on his hands, but after wishing her sister alive instead of her was probably a really stupid fucking thing to do as well as letting her think he fucked two sweet butts, one who happens to be a traitor and the other, well, she's only just been allowed to enter club grounds again."

Snakes nods before dropping his bag, then claps his hands. "It sounds about right for us MC men; my new VP is currently trying to win his woman round." He claps his hands, then rubs them together. "Let's go capture a fucker, then shall we so he can try to fix his mess?"

We all chuckle while Star kisses Snake on his cheek, making me growl, and she rolls her eyes.

Axel clears his throat, trying to contain his laughter. "Alright, we move out in an hour once we get our bearings on the property. Get your weapons ready. Star you'll be staying here with Theo."
