Page 44 of Flame

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I grab my hair wash and gently wash her hair, then her body, running my fingers all over her lush new curves from our boy while trying to ignore my cock between us that's standing in attention. I cupped her cheeks. She blinks, then blinks again, before finally coming back to me. Her eyes fill with tears that instantly fall down her cheeks, a sob working its way out of herthroat, and I wrap my arms around her, lifting her up as her face goes into the crook of my neck. I hold her close to me. "I've got you, my Firefly; I've got you," I rasp over and over before I turn the water off and step out of the shower. I lay a towel on the counter while she clings to me before sitting her on it, and she gingerly lets me go so I can wrap a towel around my waist. I get a larger one out of the cupboard and start to dry her.

She lets me look after her, as I put my black shirt over her head. I kneel down and put her legs into her black leggings before helping her stand and pulling them over her lush ass. I gently dry her hair with a towel before brushing it and placing it in a ponytail before she places the palm of her hand over my bandage and more tears fall. I cupped her cheek while placing my hand over hers, ignoring the pain shooting through my arm. "I'm okay, Firefly." She nods, her tears still falling.

I grip her hand and go to kiss her palm when something catches my attention on her ring finger, making my heart pound. I turn her hand over to see a flame symbol tattooed with my initials under it. My throat clogs up, emotions running through me as I gently stroke my thumb over it before looking at my girl when she rasps, "I had Hawk tattoo it when I was sixteen. He promised to keep quiet about it."

My brows shoot to my hairline in shock, but I nod, kissing her finger gently. I guess she has some truths too. I quickly grab my pants, putting them on along with my socks and boots, and go to grab my top next to her, but she grabs it first, helping me put it on along with my cut, making me smile at her. I kiss her forehead before I pick her up again, making sure not to use my right arm. "Let's go get our boy, Firefly."

She nods before placing her head in the crook of my neck, holding onto me with her legs wrapped around my waist and her arms around my neck as I walk out ofthe bathroom, then into my room, where I quickly lock the door. We still have several sweet butts wanting a patched brother, so I'm not willing to risk it. I then walk into the common room, where all the brothers are, minus some old ladies who are probably with my son. Axel tilts his head along with Dagger, both looking concerned at my girl, and I give them a nod in reassurance, making them relax a little. Emma looks at her sister in my arms and scowls about to walk over here, but Bones stops her with a lethal look, making her sit down, gulping as Shayla watches my every movement, her eyes solely focused on the daughter she treated like crap.

I walk past my emotional mother and I tilt my head at her while her tears fall. My father wraps his arms around her, and he nods his head before I walk out the back door once Buzz opens it for me. I nodded in thanks before walking back to my house. It doesn't take me more than five minutes before I place my girl on my dark gray sofa, gently cupping her face. More tears fall, breaking my heart, which shatters with her next words.

"How am I supposed to forgive you for everything you've done?"

I can hear the pain in her rasp. She's conflicted; she loves me, but I've hurt her more and more over the years, so the trust is broken and so is her heart.

I lean forward and gently kiss her forehead before I rasp, "I don't know, baby, but I'm not letting you go, so we'll figure it out together. I'm going to go get our son, ok? I'll be right back."

She nods before I kiss her forehead one more time, then get up and head to the door before I rasp, "One truth, Firefly; I built this home to your exact liking, intending for you to live here; the whole basement is an art studio just for you." With that, I walk out, hearing her sob, making my heart pound. I can't live without her; I just can't. She has to forgive me.

Twenty minutes later I'm walking back into my home with my sleeping son. The women were refusing to let him go. I shake my head, menacing all of them. I shut the front door and walked out of the entryway to see Star asleep on the sofa, and I smiled a little. I quickly take my boy to his room; I haven't decorated it yet, but Star can do that with her creative skills. I have put up a motorcycle cot bed for him. I gently lay him down, then remove his shoes before putting his blanket over him, gently kissing his head before turning his nightlight on. Then I go downstairs to my woman.

I watch her for a few minutes, her chest gently rising and falling before sighing. I kiss her forehead, then lift her carefully in my arms, bridal style, trying to ignore the pain in my shoulder. I grunt but manage to lift her without waking her. She cuddles into me, making me smile as I walk up the stairs heading to the master room.

The dark purple wall that I had Star painted comes into view, the three paintings of the night sky next to each other in dark oak frames standing out. The rest of the walls are white and bare. I also had her pick out the furniture: two chests of drawers, a king-sized bed, and two nightstands that are all dark oak while the bedding is black. I pull the covers and gently lie her on her side of the bed. A picture of us from her seventeenth sits on her nightstand. I quickly cover her up when I hear the doorbell ring and kiss her lips gently before slowly closing the bedroom door. I rush down the stairs as the door opens and Bones walks in. He gives me a smile, and I nod my head to the gray and white kitchen that Star was not in mind for when I built it. She couldn't cook for shit until she met Annie before we all did, and now, well, she purees Theo's food herself, so if she wants to redecorate, she can, because, like fuck, is this not going to be her home.

I go to the stainless-steel fridge and get two beers out before handing one to Bones, then walk out the back sliding door with Bones following me. We take a seat on the chairs I have out here on the patio near my BBQ, and I look at the gazebo I had built for Star to paint in, the fairy lights shining in the darkness, and the pond that I'm now going to have to fence in sparkles in the moonlight. I'll have to get a swing set and slide for my boy too, I think.

Bones sighs. "How is she?"

I shrug, taking a sip of my beer. "Struggling, but I don't think it's the act itself that she did that she's struggling with."

Bones nods, taking a sip of his own beer. "It's the fact she's no longer got her purpose in life."

I nod with a sigh.

Chapter 24


I look at Bones before looking at the sky. "Her purpose was finding you and bringing the fuckers down. She's done both and now doesn't know what to do with herself despite being a mom."

Bones sighs, "She's no longer painting."

I let out a sad chuckle. "I kind of figured out her painting centered around me, and when she left me, the club, well," I shrug, taking a sip of my beer, and he nods, "she left her painting and passion too."

I nod back, "I'm trying Bones; I really am. I give her a truth a day, sometimes two. I make her my priority, yet she still doesn't want to give me the time of day."

He sighs, "Your dad filled me in before I came round here, and to be honest, you deserve a fucking punch for what you put her through." He looks at me, keeping eye contact, and says, "I understand you didn't want her a part of this life, son. I get it; believe me, I do. Your dad explained everything. I was gunned down for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and she was affected by it. Annie lost her baby; Meg's daughter was taken; and Slicer missed an extra year of his daughter's life, all because of jealous sweet butts. I know Mel was shot because of a nurse Dag had semi-fucked, and I get that Ink's mother wentfucking crazy wanting to get rid of his brother. I understand, son, I do, but this life..."

I butt in shaking my head, "No Bones you don't get it. I have watched sweet butt after sweet butt treat old ladies like shit growing up, trying to trap the men in any way possible. I had to watch fucking Stormy send his old lady away from club property instead of killing her then and there for abusing and molesting his own son because he couldn't kill her out of guilt for not loving her like he loved Dagger's mother, despite it being Leslie's fault why Dagger was conceived in the first place.

I mean, fuck, who does that shit to their own son? Instead of getting revenge for his son, knowing he's the only one who could kill her because of our fucking laws, he let her fucking go out of respect for his youngest son, who, don't get me wrong, I love dearly but was a spoilt fucking brat that got away with everything—the same son who wanted his mother dead for what she did. He pushed Dagger's trauma and Ink's feelings aside for his feelings and his guilt, and now he has a strained relationship with them both. Ink was fucking stabbed because Stormy couldn't man up, and it was Ink's old lady she was fucking after, and all she fucking got was a bullet to the head while he got nothing; he had no punishment.

I have loved your daughter from afar for years, and I didn't want this life for her; she had greatness in her to travel the world and paint. I didn't want to keep her here where jealous women would come between us day in and day fucking out or rivals trying to fucking harm her and our family." I shake my head and look back at the gazebo. "She was raped because of me; because of the club, I mean, her own fucking mother mentally abused her alongside her sister, the same sister I decided to fuck just to ensure Star kept her distance from me."I shake my head, my eyes tearing up, while Bone sighs again, leaning forward. He links his fingers over his bottle.

"Things are always going to happen in life, son; whether it's in club life or civilian life, things always happen. Star has her own mind, and I always knew you two would end up together, always. Did I like it? Fuck no," I snort while he chuckles, "but I knew you would protect her with your life; I knew you would love her like she was supposed to be loved." I butt in again, "And yet all I did was smash her heart." He nods, "trying to protect her. Was it right? No, it wasn't, but you did it because you loved her fiercely. Yes, you fucked up, son, but now is your time to try and make things right."

I shake my head and stand up before looking at him, "How? How in the fuck can I make what I did right? I fucked her sister. I fucked the woman who set up her rape; fuck, she was raped, Bones!"
