Page 47 of Flame

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I look into his eyes and see nervousness there, so I nod, and he gives me a small smile before heading into the bathroom. I swallow hard before grabbing my old ballet flats I left in his room at the clubhouse a few years ago and putting them on before walking out of his bedroom, needing to check on Theo, who will most likely be in one of his five spare bedrooms. I go to the first one next to the master and instantly smile, seeing my boy in a motorcycle bed. I slowly walk in and bend down, kissing his head before straightening again, and watching him sleep soundlessly. He looks so peaceful and so much like his father.

I don't know how long I stand here before an arm goes around my waist. Zayne's spiced cologne reaches my senses, making me lean back in his hold, feeling at home, which sucks really because he is my home and yet he hurt me in more ways than one.

How do I forgive that?

How can we jump over that kind of hurdle?

He presses his nose on the top of my head, inhaling before sighing, making me smile because I know he hates not smelling the paint. I haven't really had the urge to pick up a paintbrush, although I really want to decorate this room for our boy.

"How is it that I carried him for eight months because he decided he wanted to be born early and then pushed him out only for him to look exactly like you when all you did was get pleasure?"

His body shakes with laughter. "I'm pretty sure you got the pleasure too Firefly," he rasps in my ear, and I shake my head with a smile. "Wait? He was born early."

I hum, "It seems our boy decided his momma shouldn't spend her birthday alone."

He leans over a little to look at me, and he raises a brow. "Are you telling me you share a birthday with our boy? You had him on your 21st?"

I nod with a smile before looking back at Theo. The urge to kiss Zayne is too much, and I just don't think we could make things work after everything. "One hell of a birthday present, huh?"

He chuckles before holding me tighter, placing his chin on my shoulder as we watch our son turn in his sleep, sighing and making me smile. Zayne places a light kiss on my neck and says, "Come on, Firefly." I nod and let him lead me away, gently shutting Theo's door before I notice Zayne carrying a baby monitor, making me smile a little. He seems to think of everything. He guides me down the curved staircase, through his living area, past the kitchen, and through the backdoor. I come to a halt on the patio, seeing our pond, before I look at Zayne in shock.

He never allowed me to see his garden before, and now I understand why. He smiles, dragging me down the steps and then onto the gazebo with fairy lights. I instantly go to the edge to look at our pond, the large rock with our names carved into it still there, making my eyes swell with tears before I turn to look at my best friend, the guy I've been in love with for years.

He takes a deep breath. "Two truths now, baby." I swallow hard, not sure I'm ready. "The first one, I had OUR house built on OUR spot, so it would always be ours, although we need to fence in the pond now with Theo and possibly build a little play area for him." I let out a little sob. "Second truth, my shooting Star; I need you. I need you so fucking much, and I can't live without you anymore," he walks over to me, cupping my cheek while holding his hand out, my gold bracelet sitting in his palm, making my tears fall hard, "I want to be forever with you, Star. I know I've fucked up a lot, but the thought of anyone hurting you killed me; the thought of women purposely trying to make you jealous hurt me; the thought of anyone trying to tear you away from me because of what my patch held; what our club dealt with made it so fucking hard to breathe," he leans his forehead against mine as a sob climbs out of my throat. "You're my universe Star, and I stupidly thought if I just had you as my best friend, I could deal, but I couldn't. I told myself I was fucking around to keep you away from me, to burn your feelings for me, when in reality, I was trying to keep myself away from you, from tainting you with a world you were born into." He slowly clips my bracelet back on before looking into my eyes. "I know there's a lot to try and forgive, a lot for me to make up for, but all I'm asking is for one chance, just one Firefly."

Another sob comes out before I shake my head, making him grip my hips. "How can I, Zayne?"

"By trying with me, you love me, Star."

I nod. "I know I do, Zayne; you're my person, but so much has happened."

He butts in, "And I'm not going to brush all of that under the rug. I know you'll most likely throw what I did over the years back in my face if we get into an argument. I know this will be the hardest thing we do to try and fix what I broke. I know this, but I'm still willing to try because you are all I want. Please baby, just one chance."

I grip his white t-shirt, my head and heart telling me two different things: "My head is telling me to run, to not give you the chance because you don't deserve it," he butts in with a rasp, "and your heart?" I sniffle, "is telling me to hold on so tight and to never let you go."

He nods before his mouth crashes down onto mine, his arms holding me tightly to him as his tongue massages against mine.

The next morning I'm sitting in the clubhouse with Leah and her gorgeous little boy Alexander while Cammy has stolen mine, making me chuckle before Ella walks over to me, wringing her fingers together. Tank is right behind me. He looks at me and gives me a smile. "I'm going to go steal my grandson from the bulldog." I grin while Ella wipes away a tear, making my eyes soften. I understand her anger, I do which is why I won't hold it against her. "I'd run before he gets him first, Ella. Tanks a bit of a hog." Her eyes widen, tears filling them again before she leans down and kisses my forehead. "I'm sorry, and I have missed you, my sweet girl," she rasps, making me nod before she rushes past her husband, who scowls as she gets her grandson, making every chuckle,

Leah nudges me, "That was nice."

I give her a smile and a nod. "I think she was more hurt because she was never told about him while Tank knew." Leah nods as we watch her fuss over Theo as Tank tries to grab him, makingeveryone laugh. I look at the bar and smile, seeing my dad laugh with his brothers. "I never thought I'd see this again." Leah looks towards my dad before placing her head on my shoulder, comforting me.

I did that; I brought him home.

Zayne walks out of church, and he smiles when he sees me with Leah, walking over to us as Leah sits up again, smiling at Gunner, who comes out behind him, stealing their boy from her. Zayne grabs my hand and pulls me up, making me furrow my brows until he takes my seat, then pulls me onto his lap, where I instantly curl up on him, my face going into his neck as the whole clubhouse cheers while my father shouts, "ABOUT FUCKING TIME," making Zayne chuckle before he kisses my head.

"I love you," he rasps against my head, and I melt into him, gripping his t-shirt. I agreed to give him a chance. I don't know if that makes me stupid, probably, but I know I'll regret it if I don't.

I don't return the words; he knows I love him, but I'm just not ready to say them out loud and probably won't be for a while. I close my eyes as his fingers run through my hair, finally feeling at peace.


I look up to see my mother standing in front of my father, and I swallow hard at the hardness and betrayal shining in his eyes. "It's bones, Shayla." I suck in a breath as the clubhouse quietened while Zayne squeezed me against him. My mother did me wrong, badly, but I know how much my father loved her. I don't want to see them separated. "After what you did to our daughter and what you allowed our eldest to do to her, I no longer see you as my old lady. You are denounced; where that leaves our marriage, I just don't know right now."

My mother cries openly, "P-please, I-I was hurting, a-and-and.." My father doesn't let her finish. "AND NOTHING, SHE WAS TEN YEARS OLD, SUFFERING FROM ROAD BURNS AND A BULLET WOUND; SHE NEEDED YOU!" He shouts in her face, making her sob, while Emma glares at me.

"Are you happy now? Not only have you stolen a man I said I was trying to win over, but now you've split our parents up with your selfishness!"
