Page 50 of Flame

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I sigh, "I don't know, but some things not adding up with her hatred right now, although wishing it was her sister here instead was a low blow."

He winces and nods before knocking on the table twice and getting up. "About time I figured it out, huh?"

We nod as he leaves, and Doc shakes his head. "He was so busy trying not to upset his mother that he basically broke that girl's heart. Don't get me wrong, Ava loves Daisy, but she thought Rose was a better match despite her being for the fairer sex; she thinks Daisy is using our son because her shop is apparently failing, or, well, that's what a mutual friend has said."

Axel sighs and shakes his head, looking at me as Doc sits back down, shaking his head. "How'd it go with the shop?"

I smile alongside Bones, "Good, well, as good as I could have hoped. She's at home now, and I'm hoping she's painting to fill the gallery up."

The brothers all nod before Axel dismisses church, and I pat my dad's back, heading for the door.

I've got a shitload of paperwork to get on at the garage.

Chapter 27


I look around the room. There are several easels in the light pink room and thousands of dollars worth of paint. The club logo I painted for Zayne years ago hangs on the wall.

I start to pace.He thinks it's just that easy for me to pick up a paintbrush and just start mixing my watercolors together to create a masterpiece, and normally it would be, but I've felt no desire to paint since I left him and left the club.

My family.

My heart.

He hurt me so much, and I said I'd give things a go, and I have. My heart beats widely every time he's near, but there's always a small part of me concerned that he'll break me again and that the pain he caused will never fade. How do you move forward with a relationship after so much heartache and pain have torn through you?

I think about what Leah asked me yesterday.

"How would you feel if you lost him? If he found someone else and they got married and had a couple of kids, he would make her his old lady."

My heart beats frantically again in my chest at the thought, just like it did yesterday. I honestly thought I was going to be physically sick.

Can I watch him move on with someone new? Fall in love and start a family?

My heart races while my hands start to sweat.

I shake my head because the answers are clear. Yes, a lot of pain has been torn through us, but the thought of him with someone else makes me feel like I'm dying a thousand deaths.

And that's the answer that makes things seem so clear as I look at the easel again. Red and orange flames stand out in my mind, and it suddenly hits me:

I want to paint.

My muse in Zayne is coming back tenfold, making my stomach flutter. I walk over to the canvas after grabbing what I need before putting the paintbrush on the blank canvas. I paint the whole thing black before mixing the colors red and orange, creating a glow at the top of the canvas, like the sky's on fire. I start to make a half-moon in the corner, little stars lighting it up, glowing in the reddish-orange background, before creating whiteish mountains that look like they're going on for miles, a small road going through them, a midnight black river on either side, disappearing under the mountains. I stand back and look at my work, and my body instantly lights up. The passion that's been so lost is finally lighting a fire in me before I start on the next canvas.

The woods, with a moonlight sky, and a jaguar hunting its prey.

Then I do another: a circle of black trees with a white, glowing moon in the middle, and glowing stars surrounding it on a fading blue skylight.

And another: a life-size painting of my son, his smile wide and light blue eyes shining.

And another: my parents smiling lovingly at each other before the crash.

And another: Parkerville town, with a dusty sky surrounding it.

And another: the Hudson Bridge, with a sunset in the background.

And then another: Zayne's bike with flames behind it on a gray background, making it stand out, and I grin, taking a step back. I want to show him what I've created for him.
