Page 54 of Flame

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We walk into the clubhouse to cheer, and I smile wide. I guess going on the back of a bike was a big accomplishment. I look at my dad, who has tears in his eyes, and my mom is standing next to him, hoping for a little bit of attention.

He must have asked her to come; otherwise, she wouldn't be in the clubhouse.

I give my dad a smile before I lift the painting, and he grins as Zayne whistles, the brothers quieting. "Alright brothers, it looks like my girl has her muse back." He looks at me, pride shining in his eyes. "Show them, baby."

I grin before turning the painting. The women all gasp as Axel shouts out. "Holy shit, Starfish, can you do one of Annie and Annabel for me?"

I grin at him and say, "Of course. I'll do it tomorrow after I've done Hallie's. She tried taking Zayne's three times this afternoon."

The brothers all laugh as my dad walks towards me, taking the painting, and he nods his head. "Is this your way of telling me to do the counseling?"

I give him a smile as my mother gasps, "She's your soulmate."

He nods. "But it's also been ten years, my darling girl. The woman I knew would have never treated our daughter the way she did.

I hear my mother sob in the quiet clubhouse, "True, but you'll never know unless you try. This is my way of telling you that I'm not standing in your way, Daddy."

He nods before kissing my head. "Okay, I'll try." My mother sobs again. "But I'm guessing it's a no for you two and her and Theo."

I give him a small smile and say, "I needed her dad, and she wasn't there for me; instead, she blamed me for something that wasn't my fault; I can't forgive, and I don't know if I ever will." He nods again as my mother continues to openly sob while Cammy comforts her, trying to explain that I'm going to need time; she's caused a lot of hurt, and I send her a thankful smile as she blows me a kiss while Zayne wraps my arm around my waist.

"I had a visitor at the garage today." The brothers all look at him with furrowed brows while my mother tries to calm her sobs. His next word, though, caused her eyes to harden: "Emma decided I belonged to her and came to make her case."

The brother's all tense as my mother steps forward. My father shakes his head at her, but she doesn't listen. "What exactly did she say?"

She sounds angry, but I don't know if it's my sister or my man.

My man.

Yep, that feels good; it feels right.

Damn, I really am the girl in the book.

"She exclaimed that we belonged together and that I was always hers," Leah butts in. "That's bullshit; even I knew you were always Stars, and you were just an idiot pushing her away at that point."

I chuckle while Zayne shakes his head with a smile. "True," he agrees, making the men smile. "She tried telling me Theo wasn't mine," the women snort while I chuckled.

My boy is his dad's double, which again is not fair in my book; I didn't see him have heartburn for eight months or need to pee every five seconds. "She then admitted to poking holes in condoms, hoping to trap me."

The brothers all tense, anger etching their features, which soon intensified with Zayne's next words, "And then she proceeded to attack my woman. My old lady."

I turn my head to him in shock while he just smiles at me.

"Who has one hell of a right hook still?"

My mother turns to Axel and says, "Call Emma on your phone now!"

He raises his brows at her, but she doesn't budge all while I keep my eyes on Zayne. "Old lady?"

He just grins as his dad hands him a box. He opens it, pulling out a cut. He shows me the back, and my tears fall.

'Property of Flame'

I wipe my tears as he holds it up, making the decision mine.

He knows we could argue daily, and he knows I could throw his misgivings in his face and have issues where other women are involved, yet he still wants me anyway; he still wants this.
