Page 55 of Flame

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I wipe the tears again before putting my right arm in first, spinning to put my left in before his arms come around me from behind as the brothers cheer and the women sob in happiness for us as we finally have our happy beginning because that is what this is—us starting over.

I lean back in his arms as he places his face into the crook of my neck. "I love you, my shooting Star.”

I smile, about to reply, when my sister's voice comes through the speakers, Annie's face turning red.

"Hey Axel, baby, are you ready for round two?"

My brows hit my hairline, my mouth hanging open as he winces before mumbling, "Shit," then stating, "That was five years ago, Emma."

I turn to look at Zayne, who is trying his hardest not to laugh, while I mouth, "What the hell?"

I look towards Annie, who crosses her arms over her chest, while the brothers try not to laugh. She raises a brow at Axel, who drops his chin to his chest with realization while I vocalize it.

"Dude is on the couch tonight," I mumble, making Zayne snort.

"I know, baby, but I thought you'd had enough of the baker and wanted the model."

My mother's face goes red, my father's trying not to laugh out loud, and my mouth just drops in absolute shock. I can feel Zayne's body shake behind me, and I elbow him, making his laughter come out. The brothers follow as Annie points at her man, "Enjoy the couch for a few days, 'baby'," while I reach my arm up and shout, "CALLED IT," making the brothers laugh louder as Axel looks at me, dropping his head to the side slightly, his eyes telling me, 'not cool' making me wince because I definitely was only supposed to celebrate that in my mind. I mean, it was an honest mistake, but Annie's smirking, so I guess it's kind of a win for me.

"Axey, baby, what's going on?"

I raise a brow looking at Annie, mouthing, 'Axey?' and she snorts, making Axel send her the 'not cool' look, and I smirk before he shakes his head, his voice getting serious.

"What's going on, Emma, is you trying to trap a brother.”

She sucks in a breath. "A-Axel, look, I-I was just saying it to p-piss off Star; you know I love a-a good joke."

He hums, "And yet that's quite a serious one and against our by-laws."

She sucks in another breath when my mother sneers, anger in her voice. "For years, I've put you first, Emma," she butts in. "Momma, please I…” My mother talks over her, "No! I tried to give you more attention than your sister because of your jealousy tendencies; why do you think your father spent more time with her? I put you first, leaving her without a proper role model." I turn in Zayne's arms, not wanting to hear anymore, as I put my head on his chest, his arms wrapping around my body and holding me tightly.

"We spent her whole inheritance for fucks sake, Emma!"

I squeeze my eyes shut as my dad growls in anger, my sister stuttering, “S-she took m-my father from me." Zayne butts in this time, his chest rumbling against my head, soothing me: "Your father was always going to be attacked, Emma, you know this. You're a selfish, spoilt little bitch who doesn't deserve Star as a sister; she was ten years fucking old." She lets out a sob, but my mother's having none of it.

"I don't want you at the house when I get home; you have a flat; use it. You either change your attitude or find yourself family-less."

Emma gasps, "You can't do that; I'm your daughter!"

Zayne holds me tighter with her next words: "Yes, you are, and I love you dearly, which is the only reason why I'm giving you the opportunity to change."

At this moment, I know I can't forgive my mother. She's showing Emma so much leniency, and yet she pushed me aside for something I didn't even do. And I know Zayne feels the sameway when I feel Zayne shake his head before Cammy speaks up. "Flame, she's still her daughter," he nods, "and so was Star when she neglected, bullied her, and ensured she had to go through fucking skin grafts alone. She fucking stole from her; they both did," my dad butts in next, "they actually committed fraud. I’ve seen the documents; Emma acted as Star when our usual attorney was on holiday; his stand-in didn't know who was who."

I shake my head while Emma gasps, "She's not reporting me; is she? I'm her sister."

Zayne snorts, "You didn't see her as a sister when you wanted to take everything she ever had. Hang up, Axel. I can't hear her voice anymore; if Shayla wants contact, that's up to her, but I'm putting it in motion with all the brothers now. Emma is banned from all clubbed-owned properties, which includes Bones' residence off club property indefinitely."

I hear my mother and Emma gasp as, one by one, every brother says, "Aye." I open my eyes and look at my father. His is the only vote left; if he agrees, she's banned for life; if he declines, then the votes don't count. I watch my mother grip his checkered shirt and say, "Baby, please, she's our daughter!"

And here's my mother, still standing by her daughter, leaving me out in the cold.

He looks at her and nods his head. "And yet you stood back and allowed her to treat our youngest like shit. I love Emma; I do; she's mine, but so is Star, who has suffered abuse after abuse all while you tagged along for the ride, and right now you're trying to stick up for Emma when Star was the one who convinced me to try marriage counseling." I squeeze my eyes shut, holding Zayne tighter when he growls.

"Bones, what's it to be? I want to get my girl home."


I like the sound of that.
