Page 58 of Flame

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He butts in, "It's been five years, darling, please."

I nod. "I know, and only last week she told Theo I was bitter after she cornered him in the clubhouse when he told her he wasn't allowed to be on his own with her upsetting him. I get that you two are working things out and have been for a while, but I won't have her near my kids with her negative energy after what she put me through. It took everything in me to give Zayne another chance; I haven't got it in me with my mother, especially with the crap she keeps pulling." Like last month when Emma, who was in town for the first time in months, swore I was kissing someone who wasn't my husband, and my mother stood by her. "She tried to ruin my marriage with lies, helping my so-called sister, and has now come between us, which you have allowed."

My dad sighs, "Someone's got to start somewhere, sweetheart. I can't keep doing this back and forth anymore; she's my wife, and I promised I'd try."

"Which I encourage you to do, remember, dDadad? And I'm your daughter, yet I haven't once put you in the middle. I'm not telling you to choose. I'll just make things easy for everyone; instead, you try to heal your marriage, Dad." I look at the time, and I know Zayne will go home soon, but I want to see him at work; he's going on a run tomorrow, so I know Axel will grab his attention at the clubhouse. "I've got to go; Ella's picking the kids up, you can see them without my mother, and that's final; I'll speak to you later, Dad."

I hang up, not willing to hear him drone on again about healing and forgiveness. My phone rings again, but I ignore it.

Five years later, instead of trying to heal us, my mother broke us apart some more because I wasn't willing to let her near my kids. Then Emma started traveling on my dad's dime, which he allowed after she exclaimed to be a new person, only for her to try to kiss my husband that very same day she exclaimed to be a new person. I think I just checked out after that, and to be honest, the more my mother got upset, the more my father pulled back a little from me, and I've allowed it because, like I've said before, my mother's his soul mate, and I won't come between that; he just seems to forget the traumatization she put me through. Instead of holding me close, she pushed me far away and treated me like cow cash.

Sighing, I lock up the gallery before getting in my new SUV that Zayne bought me.

Am I being petty by not giving her a chance?

I shake my head before starting my car and head out of the parking lot for my gallery towards Fire's garage.

It doesn't take me long before I pull up and get out, making sure the test is in my bag and head inside. I give Hallie a smile and she grins wide at me before I go to Zayne's office; he's on the phone when I walk in.

"Bones, I don't know what you expect me to do."

I wince. Great.

Shaking my head, I shut his door before walking over to him. I place my bag on his desk as he scoots back in his chair before letting me climb on him, which I happily do, straddling him, my face going into his neck, inhaling his spicy cologne, and I instantly relax as his arm moves around my waist, holding me tight.

God, I love this man.

My father's voice comes into the room: "I just want her to give her mother a chance. I feel like I'm having to choose between my wife and daughter; it's been five years, Flame."

Zayne tightens his arm around me. "She's tried bones, and you know she has, and you calling me is only making things worse for yourself." I squeeze my eyes shut. "You've pulled back from her because of the things your wife keeps crying to you about. She accused Star of cheating on me when, at the time, she was with me, and you got in my girl's face about it, believing every word spewed. You're lucky she hasn't stopped you from seeing our kids. I won't have this conversation with you again. You're a brother, and you are my father-in-law, but my wife comes first, and you need to rain your wife's actions in before I do. She's hurting my family emotionally, which she has done for five years because her high-maintenance ego can't take it. I won't be having this conversation with you again because next time, it'll be in church."


"No bones, I've had to deal with my wife crying after her mother's comments over and over. I've had to deal with my six-year-old in tears because she's cornered him in the clubhouse. Star saved you, Bones, and she also encouraged you to save your marriage. Remember that, yeah, because without my wife, you wouldn't be here and Shayla wouldn't have your wallet, and I don't give a shit how harsh that sounds to you; us brothers have all kept our mouths shut, but no more." He hangs up as I flinch at his words before he runs his fingers through my hair, kissing my hair and sighing.

"And to what do I owe this amazing pleasure?"

I smile gently before pulling back, and he sighs, seeing the pain in my eyes. "I'm going to kick your dad's ass." I chuckle and shake my head before gently kissing his lips, loving having him in my corner. In a perfect world, I'd forgiven my mother, and we would have moved forward, but she didn't like the length of time I was taking, which, by the way, was only two months after Zayne and I got engaged. She hated that I was pregnant again and wasn't willing to accept her support yet, only Ella's, and she really hated that Zayne and I got married without her there. It was the first time my father went against me while he was trying to fix his marriage.

He told me if my mother couldn't be there, then he couldn't, so I nodded my head and said, "Okay." I wasn't willing to come between them, so Tank walked me down the small aisle in our backyard, and things with my father just started drifting away after that. I think a small part of me resents him not being there for my wedding day after I made it my life's mission to find him and bring him home before I encouraged him to forgive his wife.

Zayne gently moves my dress up, making me smile against his lips as our kiss heightens and he moves my panties to one side,checking to see if I'm wet, and of course I am. He groans, quickly undoing his jeans. He pulls his member out, placing the head at my entrance, before slowly pulling me down, making us both groan.

"Fuck Firefly, I missed you."

I chuckled with a gasp. "You had me this morning."

He hums as he kisses my lips, then rasps, "And that was hours ago," before lifting me slightly, his hands cupping my ass, and I slam back down, making him groan. He lets me do it at my pace, to my pleasure, using him every time I slam down on him, swiveling my hips. I can feel my stomach tighten as he bites through my dress on my sensitive nipple, making me moan and gasp.

"That's it, baby; use me; make yourself cum on my cock."

I do as he says and cum, moaning as his lips take mine, our tongues tangling, before he thrusts up into me four more times until he cums, groaning into my mouth. We make out for a few minutes before I break the kiss, slowly removing his member from inside me as I lift, and he groans, making me smile as I right my panties before he puts himself away. I rearrange myself and curl up in his lap, making him smile and holding me to him.

"So, where are our kids?"

I smile, "with your parents tonight."
