Page 101 of Give Me More: Vol. 1

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He handed me one of the drinks, and I didn’t miss how he made sure to let his finger slide against my hand, a small, proprietary act that maybe only I noticed, but it was there regardless.

He stepped to my side and wrapped his arm possessively around my waist, but I noticed how his stare was still zeroed on Shawn. Nothing was said, and this thick, weird atmosphere settled around us.

Shawn finally smiled, acting like this was no big thing—although I could see in his eyes as he stared at us that he felt a little uneasy, that he could feel the testosterone and challenge coming from Jareth.

I felt Jareth press his fingers around my hips a little harder, and he pulled me even closer to his body. A low growl left him, and by the look on Shawn’s face, I knew he’d heard as well.

The way Jareth was acting right now might have pissed some very independent woman off, but the truth was… I liked it. I grew aroused. I loved it when he got all territorial over me.

“Is there something you needed?” Jareth didn’t even know who this man was, but it didn’t matter. Shawn could’ve been the most powerful person in this room, and Jareth wouldn’t have given two shits about it. He was staking his claim, letting Shawn know I wasn’t up for grabs, that a claim had already been made.

“I was just talking to….” He looked over at me, just now realizing I hadn’t actually told him my name. Shawn cleared his throat and looked back at Jareth. There was some silent communication going on between them, and then Shawn gave a nod, smiled over at me a little uncomfortably, turned, and left.

There was a heavy pause, and I looked over and up at Jareth. His focus was on the retreating Shawn, and another low sound left him, the vibrations going right into my body.

“What was that?” Though, to be honest, I liked this whole barbaric “mine” thing he had going on.

He looked at me as if he couldn’t understand what I was talking about, as if this was an everyday occurrence. But then, I supposed it was.

“You know what? Never mind,” I said and smiled, rising up on my toes and kissing him in front of everyone. This was the first time I’d been so blatant with PDA concerning Jareth, especially around people we worked with. But in that moment, I didn’t care anymore. Why should I? I loved him, and he loved me. It wasn’t like people didn’t know we were together. I was sure everyone did.

I didn’t know if I expected him to push me away, to tell me now wasn’t the time, but after his little possessive caveman act just moments before, I was extremely pleased when he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his body. A deep, low sound of need left his chest, the vibrations moving along my skin.

And when he pulled away, I was still on my toes, my eyes shut, pleasure bursting through my veins. All the things I wanted him to do to me slammed through my head. It was only then that I realized there were people watching us, staring openly.

Jareth’s co-executives. Employees.

Nearly everyone had their eyes trained right on us. Some had wide eyes of surprise, others had smirks on their faces, and then there were a few who were leaning closer to each other, whispering, probably telling each other “I told you so.”

“Let’s go back to our place, Sofie.”

This would definitely change things in the office, no doubt. Because even if they hadn’t known we were together, even if we’d kept our relationship on the down low, this moment right here, right now, had just opened a whole other door.

I felt him cup my cheeks and stroke my skin with his thumb. I opened my eyes and looked into his face, seeing how he was solely focused on me. He’d said “our place,” and that’s how I felt when I was there, that although I didn’t live there fully, he always made me feel like it belonged to both of us.

Ryker and his home were the same way. God, I was a lucky woman.

I didn’t verbally say anything, just nodded, feeling my body tingle with awareness, knowing what was to come. And the look on Jareth’s face told me this was certainly going to be a night he wouldn’t let me forget as he claimed and showed me who I belonged to.

* * *

We steppedthrough his apartment door, and I closed it softly behind me. Ever since he confronted the man who’d been hitting on me, nearly starting a scene, Jareth had been in a strange mood. He’d barely taken his eyes off me, and although I didn’t deny I really liked that, I also knew he was feeling pretty territorial.

He went over to the bar and poured us both a drink then turned and walked back to hand me the square glass. The amber liquid inside smelled strong, expensive. Then again, Jareth only got the very best, the rarest and most expensive of liquors. It wasn’t to get drunk, but to savor and enjoy.

“You’re upset,” I said matter-of-factly.

He said nothing as he brought his cup to his mouth and took a small sip. He watched me the whole time, not moving, his big body seeming strung tight, as if he might snap at any moment. Although that “snap” would be in the form of his dominance coming out full-on.

And that thought instantly had me wet.

“I’m not mad,” he finally said. A moment of silence stretched between us. “I’m territorial.”

I felt my nipples harden painfully, felt myself become even wetter. God, his voice, his words… they were like gasoline on an open fire.

He took a step closer, and I felt myself rooted to the spot, his presence so powerful.

“Tonight… tonight, I need to make it known that you belong to me, Sofie.” His voice was a rough grumble. “I’m okay with you and Ryker, but anyone else?” He shook his head slowly. “No. No one else will have you. I’d get savage if it came down to that, Sofie.”
