Page 104 of Give Me More: Vol. 1

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I smirked. “Ready to get fucked.”

Because we were just getting started.

Chapter Thirteen


Ihad her in my room before she could utter a word, and then I leaned in and captured her mouth with mine, grabbed the back of her head, tangling her hair in my hand, and kissed her until she was breathless.

I ground my hard cock against her belly. “You feel that?” I murmured against her lips. “You see what you do to me? Getting me off then making me hard all over again?”

She nodded, and I took hold of her upper arms, pulling her away from me, looking down at her naked body, and groaning like a feral animal.

Right now, I loomed over her, my body all muscle and masculinity, her a little petite female who was about to get devoured by me. I lifted my gaze over her breasts and along her puckered nipples, finally settling on her mouth. She licked her lips, and I held in my groan at the sight. I started walking forward, causing her to move backward, until the mattress stopped her from moving anymore. And then I gently pushed her down. She sat on the bed and looked up at me, her dark hair framed around her face, her big blue eyes wide and trusting.

“Lean back.” My voice was dark and almost foreboding.

She placed her hands behind her and leaned slightly back. The position had her breasts thrusting out, and my mouth watered. I leaned down so my mouth was an inch away from hers. Our breathing mingled, coexisted, and my arousal increased. I could feel her need for me as if it was my own.

“Tell me what I want to hear.” I was being a sadistic bastard right now, but I needed to hear the words come from her. “Go on, Sofie. Tell me what I want to hear.” My voice was low and strained, and I was having a hard time even getting the words out.

She took a deep, steadying breath before she spoke. “Fuck me. Fuck me hard, like I like.”

I let a slow grin spread across my mouth. Satisfaction filled me, and my cock jerked in response to her words.

I straightened, keeping my focus on her, and started taking my clothes off. Once my shirt was off and tossed to the side, I went for my pants, never taking my gaze from her, never letting it waver.

And then I was getting on the bed, climbing over her, and forcing Sofie to lean all the way back. She moaned when I placed my weight fully on her, letting her body sink into the mattress, letting her know who was the stronger one here.

I held the side of her face and stroked my thumb along her cheek, just staring into her face, marveling that she was here, that she was mine. “Touch me,” I said softly, breaking out of the hardened dominant role and just needing to feel her touch. She grounded me, stabilized everything that I was.

She brought her arms up and wound them around my neck, her upper body rising up slightly and her breasts pressing to my chest.

I moved my other hand over her hip and down her thigh, softly squeezing her flesh. My body, my skin… hell, the very marrow in my bones was alive with pleasure, and it was all because of Sofie.

When I moved my hand inward, so close to her pussy, I felt her tremble underneath me. “You like that?” I asked softly.


Trying not to go full-on caveman on her was a hard fucking job. I moved my fingers over her pussy, her slick heat causing every muscle in my body to tighten in response.

“You know why we fit together so well?” My voice had gotten harder, and I let my fingers smooth up and down her slit.

“Because I’m soft to your hard,” she responded instantly.

We both knew this wasn’t in a literal sense. She needed my dominance like I needed her submission. But this wasn’t just about us fucking. Before her, I’d kept myself celibate, focusing on building my career, my empire. Then she came along, and I knew she was the one for me.

She wasThe One.

“That’s right, baby.” My voice was husky and had an edge of unrestrained aggression laced through it. We both needed this.

Give it to her.

“I want you,” she begged.

“Shhh, baby girl. You don’t ask. I give. Understand?”

She nodded and closed her eyes, moaning softly, a nonverbal plea for more.
