Page 111 of Give Me More: Vol. 1

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I could tell he was being genuine, knew he was embarrassed. “It’s fine. It’s done and over with.” And I meant that. “Just don’t let it become a habit, especially with my mother,” I said seriously, fiercely protective of my mom.

I didn’t want anything sour between us, especially if my mom did care for him. He turned and left, and my mom hugged all three of us before following him to the front door. Once I heard it shut, I walked toward the living room window and pulled the curtain aside, watching as they headed toward his Jeep.

But before she got in the vehicle, I could see her start to give him an earful, pointing to the house and shaking her head. I could just imagine what she was saying, how she was putting him in his place about being respectful. My mother didn’t lack the ability to make someone know and understand that what they’d done was absolutely unacceptable.

“He’s lucky we didn’t beat his fucking ass,” Ryker said.

“I was two seconds away from slapping the fucking curiosity out of him,” Jareth agreed.

I snorted and shook my head. “You guys are so big and bad, aren’t you?” Before I knew what was going on, Jareth had his arm wrapped around my shoulders, and Ryker curled his fingers around my waist. I was sandwiched between them, warmth filling me, contentment making me feel whole.

“She looks happy though, right?” I was speaking more to myself than to anyone else, but I felt my guys tighten their hold on me slightly.

“That she does,” Ryker murmured.

“He better treat her well,” Jareth said.

Ryker grunted in agreement. “Or I see an ass-whooping in his future.”

I looked between my two boys and knew that things would work out. I could feel it.

Chapter Sixteen


Later that evening.

Iwas snuggled against Ryker’s chest, my legs sprawled over Jareth’s lap as he lazily massaged my bare feet, his touch relaxing, warming. Ryker had his arm around my shoulders, his fingers curled around my bicep.

My mother and Trevor had left hours ago, and after we all cleaned up, Ryker had run down to the ice cream shop and brought us back a giant, three-person hot fudge sundae that we devoured, laughing as we finished off another bottle of wine. Now we found ourselves lazily watching a comedy. Having my guys on either side of me felt so right. All of us playing house felt like we should have done it ages ago.

That’s how it felt to me, at least. Did it feel that way for them as well?

I knew what I wanted to talk about, and what better time than right now as I sat between Ryker and Jareth? I was nervous and scared of their response, their reaction. But if I didn’t do this now, I’d never know.

“Can I talk to you guys?” There was this shift in the atmosphere, the room seeming to still, the air growing thick. Seriousness surrounded us.

“Absolutely, Sofie.” Ryker was the one to speak first.

“You have our full attention always, baby girl,” Jareth said next.

God, why couldn’t I breathe? Why was the room so hot? Why did it feel like it was closing in on me?

I pushed myself off the couch and walked a few steps away from them, turning so that I could look into their faces when I brought this up. My heart was pounding so hard it was painful, and as Jareth and Ryker stared at me, their full attention trained right on me, I started to question if this was really the best thing for me to do.

But no time like the present, right?

We only live once, and none of us were getting any younger. The worst thing that they could say was no, that it wasn’t a good idea. But I wouldn’t know unless I asked. Taking that chance was the best thing I could do in this moment. And too much time had already passed without me knowing how our futures would go.


Or together.

All of us.

The three of us.

“I wanted to talk about all of us...” I swallowed, a thick lump deciding to take up residence in my throat.
