Page 115 of Give Me More: Vol. 1

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“You’re not thirsty, baby?” Ryker asked.

I looked at the untouched lemonade on the table. My stomach did a little flip and I looked over at him, and then turned my attention to Jareth. Both men were already watching me. And the longer I stayed silent, the more I saw the concern on their faces.

“No, I like lemonade just fine, just not right now.” I watched as Jareth’s eyebrows knitted in confusion. When I looked at Ryker, he had the same expression going on. I placed my hand on my belly and let a slow smile spread across my face. I looked between the two of them. “You know during my first trimester lemons make me queasy.” There was a moment of shock I felt come from them, but then I watched as their faces lit up with happiness.

“You’re not fucking with us, are you?” Ryker asked, surprise in his voice, but he was grinning from ear to ear.

I shook my head slowly and looked at Jareth.

“Sofie? You’re….” He lowered his eyes to my belly, where my hand still rested.

I nodded again. “I haven’t gone to the doctor yet, but the three pregnancy tests I took all said I’m pregnant.” I felt my cheeks hurt from how wide my smile was. “I’m guessing no more than six weeks along though.” Before I knew what was happening, I was pulled up from the chair and into Ryker’s arms. He covered my face with kisses, murmuring how happy he was.

Jareth pulled me away from Ryker, and then I was in his arms, his hands cupping my cheeks, his lips on mine. The scent of both of them speared into me.

“Another little one,” Jareth said against my mouth.

Although it wasn’t like we were actively trying, we also hadn’t been using any protection.

Jareth gave me one more lingering kiss before pulling back. Ryker was there to take his place, kissing me, devouring my mouth, and after a moment pulling away to smile from happiness.

“Another baby.” He rested his forehead against mine, and at the same time, I felt Jareth rub slow circles along my lower back.

I had both my hands on my belly now and looked down. “Pretty crazy, huh?”

“Not crazy, but fucking perfect,” Ryker said.

“God, baby,” Jareth murmured. “It’s incredible.” He took my hand and twined his fingers through mine, giving me a squeeze.

“We should tell the kids tonight,” Ryker added softly, and I nodded. Although maybe we should have waited until I was further along, I was too excited about this, and I could tell the guys were as well.

Ryker took my other hand, holding it tightly, and then we turned and looked at our three children. Polly was running from the boys and laughing as they chased her around the swing set. A feeling of perfection and gratitude surrounded me.

I looked up and between Ryker and Jareth, feeling my perpetual smile. Through the ups and downs over the years, through all the wonderful things that happened in our lives, these two men beside me would always have my back. They’d always be in our lives, be our biggest supporters and advocates.

And once again, I couldn’t help thinking how I was the luckiest girl in the world.

The End
