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Chapter One

Five months after the fall of civilization

It was only supposed to be an immunization, one that was a failsafe for people getting something as common as the flu. But then they realized by accident that it also prevented and stopped the spread of cancerous cells. It had been hailed worldwide as a magnificent accomplishment, one in which the scientists thought they had come across something monumental. Well, they had, and it turned to shit and backfired in the worst possible way. The ones who had gotten it started exhibiting signs of cannibalism and necrosis of the entire body.

They became far sicker than anyone could have imagined. Everyone thought they were safe, that they were helping people, curing something as devastating as cancer. They had been wrong. Whatever was in the flu shots infected people, changed something inside them and made them crazed, thirsty for blood, and something that wasn’t considered human. It slowly killed them from the inside out, made their flesh rot, every orifice bleed, and all logical reasoning vanish.

What made this already disastrous situation even graver was that all it took to have the healthy become mindless drones salivating for death was a scratch or bite from the sick. The incubation period for someone who was infected ranged from person to person, but the end result was always the same.

They became something Sparrow read about, had seen in movies, but never thought would become a reality, her reality.

How quickly things changed. Even months after the infection, Sparrow still couldn’t believe how fast the world deteriorated. It spread from an isolated incident in the United States to something that affected the entire world. Riots had broken out. The healthy were killing off one another, and people were becoming uncivilized and as ravenous as the sick who walked beside them.

The sound of a deep but low moan filled her ears despite the fact that Sparrow knew they were trying to stay quiet. She closed her eyes and clenched her thighs together. She was currently in an abandoned building that she could tell had been a mechanic’s shop before all this had gone down. There were a few wrenches and other tools scattered on the floor, a dented toolbox turned on its side with about an inch of dust collected on it pushed against one corner, and various other “shop” material on the ground.

The front door hung from its hinges; the bay door looked as if a car tried to drive through it, and the only two windows had long since lost their glass. Sparrow stared out one of them. The floor was hard and unforgiving, but the stillness around her was welcome. But then there was another gruff sound, followed by a longer moan, and then silence. Yeah, clearly, they had just gotten off.

She covered her face with her hands and breathed out deeply. How wrong was it that she could hear Mason Stone and Asher Vincent fucking no more than a few feet from her? Not as wrong as getting wet because she could hear them, picture them doing it, and wanted to be a part of it. Although it was selfish for her to think they shouldn’t continue with their... relationship, or whatever it was that was going on between them, just because she joined their group.

They helped her three days ago when she had been attacked by one of the infected. Sparrow knew how to take care of herself. She wouldn’t have lasted this long if she hadn’t been willing to kill to survive, but she had been so tired from the running, from the situation, and just from the life she was living in general. But as they say, Mason and Asher had been in the right place at right time and had pulled the bloody, snapping, clawing body away from her. They killed him without so much as blinking. Mason sliced its neck and then proceeded to stab it in the skull three different times. It only took one clean hit to the head to kill them, but she remembered vividly the look on Mason’s face as he killed what used to be a man.

It was frighteningly vicious, and he looked like he enjoyed it immensely.

They had then given her the choice to go with them or stay on her own. It hadn’t been a difficult decision to make. For the past month, she had been by herself, and although she survived thus far, she really didn’t know how much longer she could last. Sparrow was also sick and tired of having no one. Solitude was a nasty bitch.

So, she had gone with them without any hesitation. They had given her food and water from their own rations and hadn’t wanted anything in return, except for her to keep up with them, stay quiet, and not get in their way if they came up against trouble. That said a lot about them, and so did the fact that they didn’t expect sexual favors as payment for what they gave her.

She didn’t know much about the two men, because Sparrow did keep to herself, stayed out of their way, and focused on just living one day at a time. She pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs. She had known instantly there was something going on between the two muscular men, because she saw the way they looked at each other. But obviously all of that was now cemented, especially when the sound of their fucking replayed in her head like a broken record. Sparrow was unbearably uncomfortable, because she found the sounds, and then the images those noises conjured, extremely arousing.

God, it had been so long since she’d been with a man, years. It had been a hell of a long time that she experienced any kind of pleasure, and that was including before the infection hit. Even though shit hit the fan and sex should be the last thing on her mind, Sparrow found the images slamming into her head over and over again a little too hard to ignore. But if she were being honest, if only with herself, she didn’t want to ignore them.

Chapter Two

“You’re too fucking loud, baby,” Mason grunted softly as he pushed into Ash’s ass again. He was tight and squeezed his cock like he wanted to break the fucking thing off.

“Yeah?” Ash panted out that one word and reached behind him to grip Mason’s neck, pulling him forward, and slammed his mouth on his. They kissed long and hard as Mason fucked Ash in and out of his ass with measured strokes. They had scouted out the area before stopping here for the night, deemed it safe, and slipped out when they saw Sparrow sleeping. But then he heard her shuffle around inside and knew she hadn’t been asleep like they thought. They moved around the building, farther away from where she was, but that didn’t mean she still wouldn’t be able to hear them, especially if she knew what they were doing.

Either way, he couldn’t stop, not when it felt this good. He tightened his hold on Asher’s shoulder and braced his hand on the wall beside him. He might’ve been lost in the tightening and releasing of Ash’s inner muscles around his dick, but that didn’t mean he let his guard down. Mason was still fully aware of what was going on, of the sound of the wind blowing through the trees and of the crickets chirping nearby.

He moved his hips back and forth, faster and faster until his balls were slapping against Ash’s nuts and his orgasm was perilously close to the surface. Moving his hand down his shoulder and around Ash’s hard, rippled abdomen, Mason gripped his huge erection and started stroking it in time with his thrusts. The slick, wet feel of Ash’s pre-cum sliding beneath his hand was Mason’s breaking point. He pressed his forehead between the other man’s broad shoulders and shook as he came. The pleasure was indescribable, and it was over far too soon.

“Fuck, Mason.” Ash panted out those two words, but Mason couldn’t have put it any better.

“Yeah.” For a second, Mason stayed buried deep within the other man’s ass, but he finally pulled out and looked down at his half-flaccid cock. The condom he wore was from one of the many packs they found at a convenience store they searched back in Hampton. He tore the condom off, tied it off, and tossed it into a trash pit that was a foot from where they stood. Asher turned around, and Mason zeroed in on his dick. He was still hard, and a string of pre-cum dripped from the tip of his slit to the ground.

“You look like you ache, Asher.” Their pants were around their ankles, and the heat from their bodies bouncing back and forth had sweat beading along Mason’s spine. “Do you want my mouth or my ass, baby?” He reached between their bodies and gripped his shaft. After stroking it a few times and watching the ecstasy cover Ash’s face, the other man placed a hand over his, stopping Mason’s movements.

“I’m going to come if you don’t stop.”

“That’s the point.”

Ash grunted in response to Mason’s statement. They breathed roughly against each other.

“I want you to suck me off and take my cock so deep into your mouth it hits the back of your throat.”

Mason’s cock started to harden once more, but right now was about getting Ash off. Checking their surroundings once more and not feeling any threats, he dropped to his knees and tightened his hold on the root of Ash’s dick. Mason opened his mouth and engulfed the head. Despite never being with a man before Ash, Mason grew aroused at the salty flavor that coated his tongue. But it wasn’t because of the fact that he was clearly attracted to men, because he had never wanted to be with the same sex until he had met Asher. It was the other man himself that had changed something inside him, or maybe he just opened up something in Mason he hadn’t known was locked.

“Fuck, that’s it,” Asher growled and gripped a chunk of Mason’s hair.
