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Chapter 17

Rys sat at the bar in Rowdy’s, his third beer almost finished. The big screen above the bar showed an MMA fight, the speakers blasting rock music, and the crowd was starting to pour in. He looked at his watch, saw he still had another hour to kill before Jane got off work, and motioned for another beer. He hated that she worked so much, busting her ass when they could easily help her. He and William might not like it, but they understood her need to do shit on her own. He respected the hell out of her for it, but it still pissed him off. They could easily help her and her mama out, and he still wasn’t against the idea. Rys just needed to figure out a way to do it without her knowing they had a hand in it.

“Haven’t seen you without Will or Jane in a while.” Christa Martine slid onto the barstool beside him. He would know her voice anywhere. It was that high-pitched whiney kind that got under his skin in the most annoying of ways. He didn’t bother responding.

Brooklyn slid a new bottle of Budweiser in front of him. He slung a white rag over his shoulder and asked Christa what she wanted. She ordered some girly drink and brushed her shoulder against his, and he knew damn well it wasn’t by accident. He didn’t move, just didn’t show any kind of reaction. Christa was a girl that liked to fuck. It didn’t matter when or where or with who. He knew that was why she was sitting beside him now. Christa didn't come around unless she wanted something sexual.

Sad to say, but it was a known fact. If he was being honest, only Jane could get his dick hard. And even looking in another female’s direction had his cock shriveling up.

Jaxx Mason came out of the back room with a case of beer slung over his shoulder. He set it on the edge of the bar and clapped Brooklyn on the back. Rys took another long pull from his beer and watched a couple fighters beat the shit out of each other in the octagon.

“You have plans tonight?” Christa ran her finger up his bare forearm. He shrugged her off and turned to look at her.

She wasn’t bad to look at. Her brown hair fell to her shoulders, and her thick bangs covered her eyebrows. Her eyes were a dark-brown, and he could see the need in them. She wanted to fuck, and she wouldn’t give up until some sorry sap was buried in her pussy.

“Yeah, but I’m not interested in what you’re offering, Christa.” He took a swig of his beer.

“Come on, Rys. I know I can make you feel good.”

He felt his eyes knit in confusion.

She rubbed her hand up his arm again and he pulled his arm away. He didn’t want to seem like an ass, but it was clear she wasn’t giving up easily.

“Not interested.” He snorted at her ridiculousness.

He didn’t want to be an asshole. He thought about Jane and the plans he had for them, plans that included Jane spending the rest of her life with him and Will. Maybe she didn’t fully realize how deep their love for her went, but soon she would without a doubt.

She didn’t say anything, just grabbed her little drink with the umbrella in it and stalked to one of the tables filled with a handful of dudes. Turning back around, Rys rested his elbows on the smooth glossy finish of the bar and glanced at his watch again.

Forty-five more minutes.

“Damn, dude.” Jaxx stopped in front of him, a grin on his face. He shook his head a few times and glanced over his shoulder. Rys could hear Christa giggling and presumed Jaxx was looking at her. “That girl wants you for more than a piece of ass.”

Rys looked at the bartender. He shrugged and downed the rest of his beer. He pulled out his wallet and fished out a twenty. Slapping it on the counter, he stood. “Nah, man. Never gonna happen. Ever.”

“How you doin’?” Jaxx questioned.

Rys exhaled and ran a hand through his hair. A smile spread across his face as the image of Jane passed through his mind.

“That good, huh?”

He would have told the whole damn world about Jane and their relationship, but until she was more comfortable with it, he’d keep his mouth shut. She was gentle, even if she was tougher than nails at times. Jane Silver was his and Will’s fragile little thing, and he would do everything to not hurt her, even if that meant keeping their relationship quiet.

“Where’s your twin?” Jaxx stacked the newly dried glasses on the counter. Rys wasn’t in the mood for small talk, not when he was itching to go see Jane, even if she still had over half an hour to go. He would sit in her section at Slick’s, order the pie and a cup of coffee, and just watch her. He loved to do that, just watch her work. Well, he liked to watch her ass in that tight little uniform. Damn, now his cock was starting to get hard.

“Working late going over some new blueprints.”

“You didn’t want to work on them? I know the two of you can kick some serious ass when you work together on shit like that.”

“Nah, gotta go get Jane in a few.” He started to turn and go, but it seemed Jaxx wasn’t done with the conversation. He liked the dude well enough, but he was still in a shitty mood after hearing about Jane’s past a week ago. He didn’t know if he would ever be able to move past that. She had been hurt, and they hadn’t been there. Will was dealing with the revelation on his own terms. Rys was just beating the shit out of inanimate objects to get his frustration and anger out. He had the raw knuckles to show for it.

“Jane’s doing good? Idiots aren’t giving her a hard time, are they?”

Rys turned back around.

“Have you heard anyone say shit?” He was getting angry just thinking about someone saying anything about her.

“When I hear a conversation going in that direction, I kick their drunk asses out.”
