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“I’m just going to go out there and see how it’s going with the car.” Thayer lifted his head and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

He looked like a sexy as sin professor, and all she could think about was having him bend her over his desk and spanking her with his ruler.

A shiver worked through her at the thought. Being in a constant state of arousal around the two of them had her nerves on edge and her body on fire. She swore at times they could tell just by looking at her. Could it be that obvious? She saw Thayer inhale deeper and thought she heard him growl, like actually growl low in his throat, but the sound disappeared as soon as it started.

“Yeah, okay. It’s pretty cold out there, so make sure to bundle up.” He took his glasses off and rubbed his hand over his eyes. She noticed more frequently that Deacon and Thayer seemed stressed and on edge.

Jessa worried it was because she had decided to stay with them, but when she expressed her concerns and told them again she would be more than happy to stay at a motel, they had shut that idea down before it had fully left her mouth.

She smiled just thinking about how they told her they liked her there, liked her cooking and that she did their laundry. Of course the hint of lavender oil she added to their clothing during the wash didn’t happen to be their favorite addition.

Apparently men didn’t like smelling like flowers, although she had to admit that fresh scent worked very nicely with the spicy, masculine fragrance that always seemed to cling to them. It reminded her of the uninhibited wilderness that surrounded them.

She nodded and grabbed her coat, hat, and gloves. The biting cold slapped her in the face as soon as she stepped onto the porch. The door shut behind her, and she quickly made her way to the garage.

The snow covered ground crunched beneath her boots as she all but sprinted toward the safety of the garage. The music seemed overly loud, the bass deep.

Deacon hunched over the hood of her car in nothing but a pair of jeans, thick biker boots, and a light jacket.

How in the hell he wasn’t freezing stunned her. She could see his big hands working on the guts of her car, but had no clue what he was actually doing.

Grease covered his tanned hands. She continued to watch him expertly work.

He lifted his head and pierced her with his ice blue eyes. Neither one of them said anything, but it wouldn’t have mattered anyway because the music seemed too loud for them to hear each other. He moved out from under the hood and walked over to where a black pad hung on the wall.

Turning the dial the music instantly lowered. He faced her and started cleaning off his hands with one of the shop rags.

“So,” she looked at her car again, “how is it going?” She swept her hand over the car like he actually wouldn’t know what she meant.

He didn’t respond and didn’t move from where he leaned. The wide expanse of chest was visible through the opening of his jacket, and she couldn’t help but appreciate the view.

His hard, muscular pecs were visible, his tiny male nipples evident through the shirt.

The jacket did nothing to hide his powerful, bulging biceps. For the millionth time since being in their presence her pussy got wet, and a tingling started in her belly.

Her arousal continued to burn slowly inside of her, but in moments such as this it reared its head. It was like her body screamed at her to let this man have her, to let his powerful body slide between hers.

She noticed the way his breathing changed, and she swore his eyes flashed fire at her. Was her arousal that obvious?

She opened her mouth to bring the focus back on her car, but Deacon pushed off the counter and strode towards her. Jessa couldn’t move as she watched him stop in front of her. He was just so big that his entire body took up her eyesight.

With the slow, steady pump of music all around her, the scent of him filling her lungs, and the masculine sexuality he threw off, she was helpless to stop what he did next.

He gripped her behind her neck and pulled her forward until her body slammed against his. Her breasts pressed against the hard planes of his chest, and the air gushed out of her at the feel of his rock hard planes against her softness.

For several long minutes all he did was search her face. Neither said anything, but she knew he could see the need clearly on her face. It felt like her body would explode if he didn’t touch more of her.

“You are so fucking beautiful.” His words were spoken softly, and she couldn’t deny that having him give her the compliment along with the profanity drove her need higher.

Deacon was rough around the edges, brutal in his strength, and didn’t apologize over these traits. She found it just as attractive as Thayer’s gentleness.

He lifted his hand and ran his finger along her cheek. The scent of motor oil filled her senses, and she closed her eyes and leaned into his touch.

The growl that came from him had her opening her eyes and staring up at him.

“I tried to give you time, baby. I don’t want to rush you, but you have to know how much I want you.” He started to lower his head to hers until his lips were a hairsbreadth away. “Your scent invades my senses, and your closeness drives me up the fucking wall.” His warm breath slid along her face. “Will you let me taste you, baby?”

She felt herself nod even though she knew without a doubt this was probably a very bad idea.
