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Iopenmyeyesto the darkness in the room and a heaviness in my chest. Is this a sign of a heart attack? This is bad!

I try to move, but I can’t move more than an inch. What’s wrong with me? Am I dead?

It has to be late in the night by now, so I should be at home and in my bed. Why...


I blink when my eyes finally focus in the dim room. There is an arm on my chest. No wonder it’s heavy.

I take a breath, slowing myself. It’s Yuhan’s arm. What’s he doing with his arm on me? Is he worried that I will disappear somehow?

The tension fades from my body. Everything is going well and there’s no reason to freak out.

Yuhan is holding me while he sleeps. His eyes are still closed, giving me plenty of time to stare at his handsome face.

There’s a warmth in me that’s special. I’ve never felt it before. But somehow...

I shrug. Maybe I’m thinking too much about that. It is probably the warmth and fuzzy feeling after sex, which I enjoy.

He has an amazing cock. He’s huge, but he has the patience not to hurt me. I’ve never taken something his size, let alone let his fine fur rub me. His fur is like velvet, short and very fine. But when he gets his cock into me, the fur rubs so much, but so amazing at the same time.

I think I’d like to stay with him, though our agreement is for us to pretend to be dating. Not to mention, I don’t know him well. I barely learned his name before walking through the door back home. It wasn’t until dinner time that I knew what he did for a living.

He isn’t a human, though. How is that going to work?

I silently laugh at myself. I must be daydreaming. Why would he be interested in me?

He was going to stay in the most luxurious hotel in the city. Even if that was on his company’s money, he has to be someone very important for them to pay for the stay.

At the same time, I’m just someone who can’t even keep a job as a waitress. Not very useful, and not someone he will care for.

Now that I think about it, it was a miracle for him to even agree to pretend to be my boyfriend and come here with me.

I stare at the ceiling. I’m still here with my parents, in this little apartment, which is a bit further away from the city center. Yuhan must be laughing at how silly I am.

But he is here with me. His arm is still over my body, and he has a handsome smile on his face.

I close my eyes again with my heart fluttering. Maybe I should stop thinking about that. Nothing special is going to happen. After the holiday, I’ll try to get another job, which I hope will last.

I won’t see him again, so it won’t be worth the effort of thinking about the non-existent future.

Chapter 9


Iopenmyeyesto warm and soft light coming from the window. It looks like a great day.

Silvia is still here with me. I quietly laugh at myself. Why would she leave in the night? This is her home, after all.

She is still asleep with the sweetest smile. I don’t mind; actually, I would love to wake up next to her and see this face all the time.

She shivers and opens her eyes. I take my arm off her. “Sorry, did I wake you?”

“No, you didn’t.” She gives me the sweetest smile that melts me. “Good morning.”

“Morning, Silvia. Looks like you had a great night of sleep.”
