Page 110 of Bad Blood

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Alison waved a piece of paper in the air. ‘I was about to offer my thoughts. I think the man you’re looking for is both devious and clever. He’s also a show-off. He likes to perform. He’s not a random vigilante, but he may well have links to vigilante groups. There’s no question that he’s arrogant but also intelligent.’

‘Age?’ Kim asked.

Alison shook her head. ‘I’ve deliberately omitted my thoughts on that. He’s definitely a risk taker, which often comes with youth, but there are signs that it’s a mature person exerting parental authority. The normal reason for that is experience and age, but it can also come from an assumed authority. For example, there may only be a couple of years difference between siblings, but the older one will often adopt a parental tone with a younger one. It can even come from colleagues, like with bosses and subordinates, so that doesn’t help us narrow his age.

‘He’s physically able and patient. He’s planned and waited to get his victims without witnesses and without giving anything away on CCTV. He abducts his victims, transports them and stages them without being seen. That tells us he has nerve. He also has focus. He’s using a lethal drug and he knows just how much to inject to get his victim pliable but not enough to kill immediately. He’s prepared to break bones just to get his message across. He’s acting like a vigilante, and in some ways I think he wants you to think he’s a vigilante, but there’s definitely more to it than that.’

‘Dean Newton?’ Kim asked, still wanting to know why the man wasn’t yet dead.

‘I can only assume there has to be a certain order to his process,’ Alison said.

‘Maybe he changed his mind. Maybe three is enough,’ Penn offered.

‘He’s not done,’ Stacey said.

‘That’s what I’m saying,’ Alison repeated.

‘So is he. He’s just posted on Twitter. “Busy day 4/6.”’

‘Shit,’ Kim said. ‘He has to be talking about Dean Newton or Leyton Parks; I can’t imagine he’s found Ian Perkins. We’ve tried our best to warn Newton.’

‘What if he’s found Leyton Parks, boss?’ Penn asked.

‘Stace, do nothing else until you can tell me where he lives. Penn, call Dean Newton and tell him to stay home and not answer the door to anyone.’

‘Think he’ll listen?’

‘That’s his choice. We can’t babysit him any longer and try to find our killer at the same time.’

‘Got it, boss. Oh, the warrant is in for the Black Country Angels. I amended it yesterday to add Curtis Jones as a link, which seems to have pushed it through.’

‘Great. Penn, I want you back on the records from Welton. I want the name of the boy who was terrorised and also pay particular attention to the staff. Lenny Baldwin hinted at something going on there. I’m not—What the hell are you doing here?’ she asked as Bryant strolled into the office. ‘I told you to come in late.’

‘I did,’ he said, removing his jacket.

‘Fifteen minutes?’

‘Serious case of FOMO.’

‘Quit using acronyms way below your age range, partner,’ she said, mentally checking off the list in her head.

‘Okay, guys, let’s get to it. Stace, a word,’ she said, heading into the Bowl.

She stood by the door and waited for the constable to enter. ‘Feel free to keep your seats this time, folks,’ she called, closing the door.

‘Have a seat,’ she said, taking her own.

Stacey did so but said nothing. Kim couldn’t blame her for not knowing how this was going to go.

‘How are you doing?’

‘I’m okay.’

‘How are you doing, Stace?’ Kim asked again.

‘Not great. I’m trying, but the anxiety won’t go away.’

‘Your body didn’t get into this state overnight. It’ll take time, and I think you might need help.’
