Page 47 of Bad Blood

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She’d been keeping him up to date on the case by email, text and phone calls so it couldn’t be that.

‘Just ran into Vik in the corridor. Good officer,’ he said, resting his behind on the edge of Penn’s desk.

‘Yeah, pity he went to the dark side.’

‘Hmm…nasty business with Terence Birch. A former witness of ours,’ he said.

‘Absolutely. Tragic.’

Woody crossed his arms. ‘He tells me you have a keen interest in the details of the incident.’

Kim found herself wondering what actual words Vik had used. She knew Vik well and anything would have been said in jest, but it had still highlighted her interest to Woody.

‘Just curious,’ she said, shrugging. ‘We have had previous dealings with the man.’

Not a lie.

This wasn’t sitting comfortably with her, but she knew that if she told Woody the whole truth, he would be forced to take formal action that would most likely include a full interview with Stacey and an official report. That report would be like a tattoo on her permanent record.

‘No other reason,’ he pushed.

‘No, sir, just professional curiosity.’

Okay, that was a lie.

‘I’ve also heard rumblings there was a shouting match in here earlier today.’

She forced a frown onto her face. ‘Heated debate maybe. Always the same when we start a new case.’

And that was another lie.

‘Anything going on here I should know about, Stone?’ he asked, fixing her with his stare.

‘Absolutely not,’ she said, meeting his gaze and holding it despite the fact she was now in uncharted territory. Direct questions from her boss were normally met with truthful answers.

‘I think you’d agree that I’ve shown on more than one occasion that I can be trusted to offer you total support.’

‘Yes, sir.’

‘And I’d hate to think you were lying to me.’

‘Of course not, sir.’

He didn’t need to know about the wall of fame at Birch’s house.

‘Because if you broke that trust, I’m not sure how the future would look.’

‘Absolutely, sir,’ Kim said.

He didn’t need to know about the small blue car.

‘Okay, Stone, I won’t keep you any longer. Time you got off home.’

She had a couple of things to do on her way home, but he didn’t need to know about those either.

Kim tried to ignore the sinking feeling that was growing in her stomach as her boss left the room.

Great, she’d now lied to one of the only people that had ever truly had her back.
