Page 83 of Bad Blood

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‘Oh Jesus,’ Kim said, heading straight for the door that led through to the medical assessment area, ignoring the protests from the receptionist.

The security guard stepped into her path.

She held up her ID. ‘Seriously, mate, get out of my way.’

He stepped aside and reached for his radio.

Crack on, buddy, she thought, sure that he was summoning assistance.

She approached the nurses’ station and showed the ID that was still in her hand.

‘I need to speak to whoever is taking care of Nathan Yates.’

‘The drunk guy?’ asked a doctor leaning on the desk completing paperwork.

‘He’s not drunk. Where is he?’ she asked, noting his badge, which labelled him as Doctor Samuel. She had no clue if that was his first name or last.

‘I think you’d better—’

‘Oh, that one,’ she said, following the direction of the quick flick of his gaze when she’d asked the question.

She turned and headed to the curtained cubicle in the corner.

‘You can’t go in there,’ Doctor Samuel said from behind.

‘Wanna bet?’ she said, pulling back the curtain.

The man lying on the bed was average build, dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt. Kim could instantly see that he wore good-quality clothes and had a decent haircut. His skin was smooth, and his body showed no signs of trauma.

She turned to the doctor. ‘How long has he been here?’

‘I’d have to check the—’

‘Jesus, even I know he’s been here for a few hours. Has he moved one muscle in that time?’

‘Well, no, but a good session can—’

‘A session this good and he’d have pissed himself or vomited by now. It’s drug poisoning, fentanyl to be exact, and this man didn’t get this way by himself. Weren’t you informed by Jimmy Keene?’

‘The morgue assistant?’ Doctor Samuel asked with a derisive look. ‘He did say something, but do you think I’m going to trust a morgue assistant over my own judgement? I’m a doctor. I deal with the living and—’

‘And he’s already seen two exact same cases this week.’

‘The guy is next on my list to—’

‘Boy, are you going to be in some serious shit if you’re too damn lazy and pig-headed to—’

‘Excuse me, Inspector,’ he said, colouring. ‘It’s the middle of the night, I’m the only doctor here and so far I’ve dealt with five broken bones, a motorcycle collision and a severed finger.’

‘And you’re going to have a dead body if you don’t pull your head out your ass and start treating my attempted murder victim.’

‘You mean someone tried to kill him?’

Kim watched the disbelief in his face as his least-troublesome patient suddenly became his highest priority.

‘He needs naloxone, and if you want to know how the two victims before him are doing, give the morgue assistant a call and I’m sure he’d be happy to show you.’

He swallowed deeply as his disbelief turned to panic.
