Page 120 of You're so Basic

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Through my laughter, I look at Danny and say, “Since…we’re both feeling charitable toward Josie right now…I guess I should mention she invited herself to Thanksgiving dinner.”

He gives me a wry smile. “Can’t I be charitable from afar?”



It’s Thanksgiving Day, and I’m waiting on a chair outside Jarrod Travis’s office. No one else is present, so presumably I’m the only employee who was expected to show up today.

I’ve already knocked and been told that I’ll be summoned when he’s ready for me. So here I am, sitting in the most uncomfortable chair in existence, chosen exactly for that reason, I’m sure, outside of his closed office door like I’m a kid waiting to be called into the principal’s office.

He’s keeping me waiting because I said I have plans, obviously, but I don’t mind. Because Idohave plans.

Project Red Snake, as Mira named it after I shared all of my updates about Big Mike, is a go, as they say.

Big Mike is better than I thought he’d be—but I’ve spent the last couple of days helping him build up his presence and credentials. He was impressed, impressed enough that he says they may have some work for me in the future.

It’s the kind of work I’m not supposed to be doing, but he insists that’s not going to matter anymore.

Yesterday, I called Daphne to tell her that I wasn’t interested in her offer but had an acquaintance who might be.

I’m ninety percent sure she’s going to take the bait.

That ten percent uncertainty is more than I’d usually be comfortable accepting, but I’m feeling better about taking chances these days. Which is why I decided to show up here, even though I gave serious thought to sending Jarrod the middle finger emoji, followed by a turkey.

The door opens, revealing his punchable face and receding hairline. The thought of this man ever touching my sister makes me nauseous. I feel a familiar need to pound my fist into his face, but that’s not why I’m here today.

As Shane would tell me, an arrest for assault is the kind of thing that would ruin anyone’s day.

“Come in,Danny,” Jarrod says, using my nickname with a special kind of glee, because it’s another way in which he can feel superior to me.

“There’s no need for that.” In fact, I wish a few more people were present as witnesses—although I wouldn’t want anyone else’s holiday ruined.

He frowns at me. The lines that pop up probably rarely crease his forehead since he’s so used to his fortune paving the way.

“I quit,” I say, immediately feeling a hundred and ninety pounds lighter. I guess that’s what happens when you lose the boss who’s been making your life a nightmare.

“What did you say?” he asks, his face turning pink and then red.

“You heard me. I never wanted this job. This is a shitty company and making it less shitty is not something I’ll ever be proud of. I did what I had to do at the time…and you did your best to make sure I regretted it. But that’s over now. I quit.”

“The money,” he sputters. “You still need to pay me the money.”

“You don’t need it,” I say. “But yeah…I intend to do that, once I have it. I did sign the agreement.”

“You’ll make the payments on schedule, or you’ll be prosecuted,” he says, his voice rising with each word.

I rise to my feet and look down at him, something I typically try not to do with people, but I’m happy to make an exception for him. “Like I said, I’ll pay you the money when I have it.”

I’m not going to tell him about my connection to the Feds. I expect he’ll find out soon enough.

“You’re going to regret this,” he snarls.

“No, probably not. But someday you’re going to regret that you ever heard my name, or my sister’s. And I hope to be there to see it. I have a feeling I’ll be laughing.”

And with that, I turn on my heels and leave. I’m not afraid he’ll follow me or try to attack me. He’s the coward that I don’t want to be. Not anymore.

* * *
