Page 90 of You're so Basic

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Well, it’s almost panic.

I’ve been telling myself not to borrow trouble. But there’s no denying that Mira loves her job. Based on what Burke has previously told me, she’s usually there around the clock. If she still wants me to move out after all of this is over, we’ll be seeing a lot less of each other.

I can and will change my schedule, but will she be willing to make adjustments too?

It’s occurred to me that she’ll probably want me to hang out at the bar with her, and doing so might be the only way I get to see her most nights.

Will I be able to?

I excuse myself to the bathroom, but on the way there I pass a private room. I hear a voice I recognize, a clinking of glasses. Something tugs at my brain, and I glance inside. The door is only an inch or two open, which is enough for me to see.

Shane’s partners are in there, instantly recognizable from the framed photo they gave Shane upon making him partner. They’re in suits, of course, as is their guest. He’s a man who probably couldn’t pick me out of a line up, but I’d know him anywhere.

They’re having lunch with Lucas Burke Senior.



Well, fuck, this surely isn’t good.

Better than if Shane were with them, obviously, because his absence suggests he doesn’t know what they’re up to. Please God, let him not know. He told me something was up at work, and I’m guessing this is thesomethinghe’s been sensing. His partners would know about his friendship with Burke—they’d also know that he served as Leonard’s lawyer a couple of months back, when someone set him up for those burglaries he didn’t commit. Someone likely being the man who’s sitting in there chatting with them.

I maintain that I’m not someone they’d remember, but Shane, with his multiple-hundred-dollar suits, probably is. If they’ve decided to use his law firm, I suspect it’s as yet another FU to the son who turned them in.

I tuck into the hallway next to the bathroom and shoot off a text to Shane.

Your partners are having brunch with Lucas Burke at Corner Kitchen. Did you know about this?

Not our Lucas Burke, obviously. The asshole one.




I’m guessing you didn’t know.


I’m coming

Is that a good idea?

Don’t care

I head back out to the dining room. Mira gives me a searching look. “What happened? Why do you look like that?”

I’m not sure what I look like, but it can’t be good because Ruthie nods instantly. “Yes, something happened.”

I glance around, but no one else is paying attention to us. Their focus is on their eggs and pancakes, and in one person’s case, a salad they probably regret ordering.

“Shane’s partners are in the private room,” I say quietly. “They’re meeting with Burke’s father.”

Ruthie narrows her gaze and sits back. “That ass—” Her gaze shifts to Izzy, —“jerk.”

“Already said the bad part,” I mutter. Then, louder, “He didn’t know about it, but he’s on his way here.”
