Page 12 of Hot Stuff

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“I saw you put a gun in your back when you were on the docks. Is that standard for working down there?”

Her eyes glisten with anger, and all emotion leaves her face. “I don’t have to explain everything to you. This is all I can give you right now, and if it’s not enough, then I’ll stop wasting your time.”

I swallow the stack of emotions in my throat and ignore the way my heart protests in my chest. “Fine. Just make sure you pay the final installments for the damage you caused to Mohagen’s, and you’ll never hear from me again.”

Becca scoffs and turns to leave. “I never go back on my word,” she calls over her shoulder before walking out of my sight, and most likely out of my life. For some reason that hurts more than I thought it would.



“You sure you want to send this much?”

Chris at the bank looks from my money wire to me again for the fifth time. I fight to keep my breathing calm, and my face from expressing my emotion. I asked for an extension on my pay in order to send the money directly to Roman today. It's a larger sum, the rest of what I actually owe for the damage. I had hoped to pay it off over time, but apparently that jackass wants it right now. And then I’ll never see him again. Those words hurt the most.


He nods his head and starts typing away on the computer. I see his eyes stray to me every once in a while, but he doesn’t ask any more questions. “Alright, Ms. Reynolds you are all set.”

“Thank you,” I tell him before grabbing my coffee and sunglasses. I pass by the informant on my way out, but I keep my chin down, not acknowledging him.

I rush out into the early evening, ready to find some food and then get to work at the docks. Ever since the one shipment that Adam and Dimitri expected a fast turnover on, things have been tense. Adam managed his best to keep things hidden from me, and to keep me busy. I went along with his plan so as to not seem that I was trying to dig up information, and was following directions. Not tonight though. Another cargo ship that Adam wanted quickly turned over, would be in at quarter to one in the morning. This time though I had another trick up my sleeve. I reached out to Dimitri, asking if there was anything important he wanted me to do with this cargo ship. His reply was immediate and surprising.

Dimitri: What ship?

I hadn’t trusted Adam before, I trusted him even less now. If Dimitri wasn’t ordering the quick turn around on this ship, then it was Adam. And Adam was apparently hiding something from Dimitri.

Everyone on the docks and in the bay appeared on alert. Everyone was second looking and second guessing each other, which led me to believe something big was happening tonight. I managed to squeeze out a cryptic message to my superiors before heading in, because I would not be bringing my other phone, and there was a real chance that law enforcement might need to be called. I took my patrol round and my round up top at security like normal. Who wasn’t normal, was Adam.

“What’s wrong with you?” I ask him bluntly when we pass on the stairs.

“I’m fine,” He shrugs, irritation passing over his face, “Just watch what you’re doing tonight.”

“Why?” I question, my arms folding over my chest. I haven’t questioned Adam in a long time, and I can see the way his eyes turn into deadly slits. “What is the big tension about tonight, because everyone is on edge.”

“Everyone is just doing their fucking job, like you should be doing,” He reprimands me and moves to walk away.

“I’ll just ask Dimitri then,” I shrug and walk around him, making sure our shoulders rub each other.

“Dimitri has more important things to do than answer your stupid little questions. Do your job.” He practically growls in my face before stomping off. I cannot wait for the day that I get to slap some cuffs on him.

The night wears on, and I’m left with nothing other than my thoughts on the ship, and on Roman. And since Roman has decided to wash his hands of me, of course my mind stays stuck there. I thought we had something. It was small, and it was very fragile, being built on mostly lies by me, but we connected. I had every intention of telling him the truth when I could. Now I’ll never get to because when this is over, I plan to jump off the island with as few waves as possible.

By one in the morning Adam is pacing along the dock. Yelling at people, with his phone to his ear. I want to move closer, but stay in my position instead. The ship is late, and so far, there is nothing in the distance. Another worker walks buy and drops a radio and an earpiece into my hands.

“Channel 5,” he says before walking away.

I quickly turn the dial to five and secure the radio on my belt loop. Instantly I hear chatter and Adam’s commands in my ear. It dawns on me then that he has us all synced up, and we never use radios.

“They’re ten minutes out,” Adam’s voice is in my ear and I look to see him motioning me over. I get to my feet and move to stand by him. That's when I can see it. Only this time it doesn't appear to be a cargo ship, but a yacht.

“What is that?” I ask him. Adam lets out a wolfish whistle and his eyes, so devoid of emotion and sincerity, leans over to my ear.

“Our payday.”

I keep my face passive, but I follow when he leads now. The yacht barely touches port when a hooded figure jumps off and starts summoning with his hand. I’m confused until bodies start rushing past me, running and jumping onto the yacht. Adam’s laugh cackles in my ear. I don’t know which way to move, turn, blow my cover now, or wait. Who are these people. I don’t get a chance to do anything when a shot rings out.
