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Who cares if there was a camera silently capturing every move?

I swung around and gave it the finger for good measure.

Because our female was missing, and we were here to get her back.

Fuck this.

But Nick and Joanie didn’t show. Nine p.m. passed, then ten. And just when we were about to head out, the elevator dinged, a low male voice mixing with tinkling female laughter.

Sure enough, the doors swung open, and out stepped that motherfucker with Joanie on his arm. What the hell? Why was she wearing gray sweats, her face flushed and smiling while carrying a huge box of Candy? What was this? Howdy-Doody gone wrong?

I growled, hackles rising.

My bro did the same, two enormous sentinels baring their teeth at Nick North.

Because what the fuck?

There clearly hadn’t been an emergency. Nick had been squiring Joanie about all day, taking her to see the sights.

And unbelievably, the alpha pretended like nothing was wrong.

“Whoa!” he drawled, both hands up palms out. “What’s going on? What’s up mad dogs?”


“Where the hell have you been?” I rasped.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” hissed Aaron.

But Nick played it cool.

“Take it easy,” he drawled. “It’s not every day that you come home to find twins slavering like pit bulls at your door. What the hell?”

But it only made us angrier.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I spat. “Joanie’s supposed to be in Atlanta right now.”

“It’s on her flight schedule,” hissed Aaron once more, blue eyes slicing into Nick’s frame. “She doesn’t deviate from that.”

But again, Nick’s a New Yorker and thinks the entire world revolves around him.

“So what?” he tossed off like it was no big deal. “Flight schedule, flight smedule. Joanie and I decided to take a tour of the Big Apple today. It was fun, wasn’t it sweetheart?” he asked, clasping the curvy girl close to his side. “She’s never been here before, and I wanted to show her the sights.”

The brunette nodded, big brown eyes wide as her chin trembled.

“Yes, we walked around Manhattan,” she murmured. “I’m sorry Aaron, Andrew,” the girl said softly. “If I’d known it was imperative to come to Atlanta….”

But I cut her off, not even looking at the female.

“Not your fault, sweetheart,” was my rasp, murderous gaze still directed at Nick. “We know it wasn’t your doing. It was this fucker here.”

My brother jumped in as well.

“Fuck you,” was all Aaron said, big hands closing into fists. “Fuck you.”

But Nick wouldn’t back down. He continued to play it off like it was no big deal.

“Joanie’s tired,” he began, arching his brows. “She took all six of us in Tucson, remember? What, you’re not gonna give her some time off?”
