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“Regina,” Ryan begins.

“Wait, wait, you’re not on one knee!”

Ryan grins, and takes the baby from my arms, putting Royce into the bassinet before getting down on one knee in the grass. I stare into his bright blue eyes and feel my own begin to tear.

“Regina,” he says again, looking at me again. I smile through my tears, waiting in beautiful agony for the words that will forever bind me to him. “Regina, from the moment I saw you, I knew. You are by far the most beautiful, loving, and nurturing woman I have ever met. You’re a mother to our children, a partner to me, and a living reminder of how wonderful life is every moment of every day. My love, my life, my heart: everything is yours. Will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Ryan Blythe?”

He opens the box as he says this, revealing a beautiful rose gold circlet, flecked with diamonds and topped with a brilliant stone that captures the light of the sun and reflects it back in a stunning array of color and fire.

I gaze deeply into the eyes of the only man I will ever love. Ryan’s handsome face waits with anticipation, his bronzed features tense and yet so beautiful. I already know what my answer will be, and I’ve known from the moment we met. Still, I wait, savoring this moment for as long as possible, drinking in the beautiful certainty that everything will always be right.

“I will,” I finally say. “I love you, Ryan Blythe. Nothing could make me happier than being your wife.” His blue eyes flash, and then he captures my mouth in a passionate kiss. His tongue traces the seam of my lips, seeking entrance, and I open unconsciously, welcoming him. The rest of the world fades and we are one, as we should be, as we always will be.

A lifetime passes before we separate, and dimly I’m aware of the sound of cheering. We turn to see the kids, all five of them, lined up in front of us smiling and clapping. I blush and bury my face in Ryan’s shoulder, embarrassed that we’ve been seen. But then the embarrassment evaporates when they laugh and clap with excitement.

“Mommy’s going to marry Daddy!” Rebecca shouts, before running to us and wrapping us in a bear hug. “You’re going to be our mommy for real!”

“Mommy, Mommy!” the other kids sing as they rush to join the group hug. Soon, Ryan and I are buried in a flurry of little arms, legs and faces, but I’ve never been so happy. Ryan laughs and looks across at me, his blue gaze promising the world. “I love you,” he mouths softly.

“I love you too,” I whisper.

With that, my life is set. With this man, I am in love and I am home.


Five Years Later

Curious about what happens to Regina and Ryan in five years? Then download the scene here (newsletter subscription required) or read the scene on my website right here (no subscription required). Hint: it’s a steamy scene where they’re trying to conceive a seventh baby in her childhood bedroom!
