Page 22 of Sunshine

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With trembling limbs, he managed to make his way into the bathroom and start the shower, but the steam only seemed to make the scent worse. He climbed under the spray and eventually lost all control, wrapping his hand around his dick, using the other to brace himself against the tiles as he stroked himself fast and furious.

He was afraid to close his eyes, but he couldn’t keep them open for long, and Remi’s figure burst into life in the darkness.

“I think you’re an asshole, Sunshine.”

The words were cruel, but there was heat in his tone. If Jeremiah had kissed him then, Remi would have opened up to him. He would have wrapped his slender arms around Jeremiah and given himself willingly.

Jeremiah would have made him beg for it.

He would have tormented him until his perfect, lush lips were curled around the sounds of begging. And only when he was sobbing and near tears would he give in and pull orgasm after orgasm from him, until he lost all strength.

He’d fuck the brat right out of his body, then curl around him and hold him until that smart mouth was ready to start all over again.

He grunted, thrusting into his fist as he pictured Remi’s gorgeous, round ass at the beach. The sight of it had nearly sent him to his knees. It had taken everything in him not to spread his cheeks right there and fuck him with his tongue for all those guards to see.

His dick throbbed. He was so close.

“Remi,” he whispered. It felt so right and so fucking wrong, but his body didn’t care. The need in his chest didn’t care. “Remi,” he said again, and then again. His balls twitched. The base of his dick began to swell, though he wasn’t close to actually popping a knot.

But it was the closest he’d been in a long, long time.

With another deep moan, he let go on the edge of Remi’s name one last time. His arm gave out, and his forehead hit the wall as he spilled down the drain, and he let the water wash away all the evidence of his sin. He was seriously in the shower, lusting after a Siren more than ten years his junior.

And not just that, he was the damn crown prince he was hired to protect.

It was no wonder he was an abomination. This was maybe the worst thing he’d ever done, and he vowed right then that Remi would never, ever find out.



The palace was too quiet without the twins, and he hated it.

He also hated that his stupid body filled with heat and longing every time Jeremiah was within eyesight, like popping wood during their argument after the attack on the beach hadn’t been bad enough. Jeremiah had to have known too. Hellhounds had much better senses than Sirens and probably a hundred times better than Remi’s half-human ones.

Gods, it was embarrassing.

And yet…

He couldn’t stop poking at the man.

He knew he should follow Jeremiah’s orders and work with him to figure out who was coming after him and his family, but every time they were within ten feet of each other, he couldn’t decide if he wanted to strangle the arrogant man or throw himself into his arms.

Which was just… not okay. It left him feeling off-balanced and nervous, and he wasn’t okay with that. Without his permission, his mouth would just run away from him, picking at the man to try and get some sort of response out of him. If Remi had to be aroused and miserable all the time, then Jeremiah could at least be pissed off.

For days, everyone walked around the castle like they were afraid another attack could happen around every corner. Remi was followed at all times by at least three guards, and if he stepped outside for fresh air—well within the palace walls—Jeremiah was glued to his side, agitation palpable until Remi got so annoyed he just went back inside.

But it had been almost a week. Enough was enough.

“For fuck’s sake, can you back off just a little?” he yelled, spinning to face the stony-faced Hellhound.

He’d thought he’d slipped into the gardens without Jeremiah noticing, intent on simply getting away from the tension filling the palace, but less than sixty seconds on the paver-lined path and he’d felt his hulking presence right behind him.


Gritting his teeth, Remi planted his hands on his hips. “Listen, Sunshine, you can’t even see the wall from here. I’m perfectly safe.”

Jeremiah didn’t bother responding, his hard eyes and tight jaw giving nothing away.
