Page 49 of Sunshine

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Before he could stop himself, he laid a hand over the largest pool and dragged his seed up Remi’s spine, coating him in his essence as much as possible.

Remi huffed a tired chuckle. “What are you doing?”

He gritted his teeth, unable to explain the instinct but knowing he had to do it. He needed everyone to know who Remi belonged to. He needed to mark him.

When he didn’t answer, Remi raised his head and looked back at him, eyes half-lidded. He watched as Jeremiah covered one of his fingers and then separated Remi’s cheeks and pressed at his hole.

Remi moaned but relaxed back down onto the bed, spreading his thighs farther and arching his back.

“Sorry,” Jeremiah murmured even as he pushed harder, forcing himself inside Remi’s body so he could leave a piece of him behind.

“Don’t be,” Remi said, then moaned and pushed back, driving him deeper. “Whatever you need to do, you can. I don’t… I don’t think there’s a single thing I wouldn’t let you do.”

Jeremiah growled, pumping his finger in and out a few times and then slowly pulling free. He crawled up Remi’s body and plastered himself to his back again and nipped at his earlobe. “You shouldn’t say that to me. The things I want to do to you, little princeling…”

“Do your worst, Sunshine.”



The sun was a balm against his skin, the early afternoon softness of the season soothing to Remi in ways he knew humans couldn’t feel. It was easy to forget some days that he wasn’t fully human, but moments where he was shifted, his tail stretched along the sun bench in the pool and his Song bubbling against the back of his throat, he felt like…


Or as close to himself as he’d ever been.

Escaping to the pool had been necessary that morning since gossip was spreading like wildfire through the servants and guards. Remi had spent his entire life pretending like he couldn’t hear them whispering about him—pretending like he wasn’t tucking all their words behind his heart, letting their judgment and prejudices shape him into who he was.

But now, the talk had morphed. No one had any idea what he and Jeremiah had actually done together, but they all knew his Hellhound’s focus had grown even more intense over the last few days. He’d heard the word “thrall” on the lips of so many people that morning he wanted to pull his own face off.

“—he might be a Hellhound, but stooping to pant after the halfbreed prince? It has to be the Siren thrall. I bet he’s using his Voice on him.”

Remi had almost thrown up his breakfast into a potted plant decorating the long hallway that led to the throne room. That was the moment he’d snapped. The moment he’d lost his ability to pretend like he didn’t care what everyone was saying about him.

He was wild about Jeremiah in ways he couldn’t explain. Every time Jeremiah touched him, Remi felt the connection grow stronger, and he couldn’t explain it. He wasn’t foolish enough to believe that there was anything fated about the two of them. That wasn’t possible. Remi’s human half was far too strong, and Jeremiah wasn’t even the same species as him.

But he couldn’t deny that every waking moment he wasn’t thinking of the twins and the dangers they were all in, he was thinking of his gorgeous guard and his rough mouth and strong hands and the way he made Remi feel like there was no one else in the world. It was addictive and terrifying, and he never wanted it to stop.

But listening to the whispers about them did nothing more than remind him it was just one more thing that made him a freak.

For the moment, no one knew the truth, but if they did, all hell would break loose.

There would be a coup, no doubt. They’d force Remi to abdicate. They barely tolerated him as it was, but with a Hellhound at his side? No one would follow a king like that.

“Not that I fucking want the damn throne,” Remi muttered to himself as he lay back and covered his face with his tablet.

His escape to the pool had been under the guise of trying to get some actual work done so he didn’t go back to campus weeks behind everyone else, but every time he attempted to do his reading, he’d start… remembering. He’d remember Jeremiah’s hellfire-hot fingers tracing lines over his body. And the way he felt with Jeremiah’s weight pressing him into the mattress as he rubbed off between his cheeks.

He flushed bright and hot as he remembered just how badly he’d wanted Jeremiah inside of him. His tail twitched, splashing a little bit of water onto the concrete deck.

Gods, he was screwed.

Bzzt, bzzt, bzzt.

Remi sat up with a short gasp before realizing the odd noise was his phone. He pawed around for it, then stared at the screen and fought back a sigh before answering. “Now’s not a good time.”

“Aww, bro. It’s never a good time for me anymore,” Thad whined.
