Page 101 of Mine

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“Come on.” I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel, jaw clenched as I stared at the red light. “Hurry the fuck up.”

It was 4:39 in the morning, and there was zero traffic, but the light was taking forever to change. Finally, it went green, and I planted my foot on the accelerator, heart pounding as I sped down the highway.

It was just fifteen more minutes until I reached Cape Charles, according to the GPS. It felt like I’d been driving all night, but I wasn’t tired at all. My body felt as if it had been plugged into an infinite power source, invigorating every cell from the soles of my feet to the tips of my fingers. Every muscle hummed with readiness, like coiled springs just waiting to be unleashed. I couldn’t rest or relax until Sienna was safely in my arms… and I definitely couldn’t think about what would happen if I couldn’t find her.

I’d already come so close to losing her before. I couldn’t allow it to happen again. Especially when we’d only just found each other’s love after all the years we spent apart, despising each other.

Love. Yeah, I loved her. I was so fucking in love with her that it made my heart ache.

Before she came back into my life, everything felt black and white. But when I was with her, the whole world was colorful again. I couldn’t lose that feeling now that I’d experienced it. I wanted it forever. Wanted Sienna forever.

My phone rang and automatically connected to the car’s Bluetooth. It was Justin.

“Hey, man.” He sounded sleepy, even though he usually woke up around this time. “Going for a run after I grab a coffee. You wanna join?”

“I would, but I’m not on campus right now.”

“Oh. Did you end up staying at the hotel after the fundraiser?”

I cleared my throat. “Nope. I’m about to arrive in Cape Charles.”

“Cape… Charles?” I heard Justin shuffling around and tapping buttons on his phone for a few seconds. “Google says that’s over two hundred miles away. You aren’t really going there, are you?”

“Yup. I have to.”

“Paxton.” Justin suddenly sounded much more awake and alert. “You can’t be fucking serious. Did you forget?”

“Forget what?”

“The game against Quinnipiac. It’s later today. That’s why none of us drank at the fundraiser last night.”

Fuck. With all the trouble last night, I’d completely forgotten about the upcoming game. Hockey had really taken a backseat in my life lately, despite it being my livelihood. The most I’d even thought about it lately was during my brief chat with the Capitals coach at the hotel last night.

“The team bus leaves here at 8:30, and it’s heading north. But you’re three or four hours south, depending on the traffic,” Justin went on. He paused, and I could almost hear his brain ticking over as he made mental calculations. “So if you turn around now, you’ll just make it back.”

“I can’t come back.”

“You have to. This is probably going to be one of the biggest games of the season. So you really can’t miss it,” he replied. “Any other game, sure. But not this one.”

“I can’t go. I have to help Sienna. She’s in trouble.”

“What sort of trouble?”

I glanced at the clock on the dash. I was almost at the Langdon’s summer house. “Long story. Can’t say it all right now. But she’s in danger and I have to help her.”

There was a long pause. Then Justin let out a long sigh. “If you miss this game, I don’t know what’ll happen with that contract of yours.”

“It’s already signed. I’ll be fine.”

“Contracts get torn up all the time, man. We all know it. They get their lawyers to find creative ways to fuck you over if they decide they’re done with you,” he said. “If you miss such a big game, that could be the end of your career.”

I clenched my jaw. “So be it. Sienna is more important than anything else.”

Justin fell silent again. Then he cleared his throat. “Fuck it,” he muttered. “I’m covering for you, okay? I’ll tell Coach you got food poisoning at the fundraiser and you can’t leave the bathroom. I’ll get descriptive and everything so they buy it. But you fucking owe me, man.”

“Yeah. I do. Thanks, man.” I glanced at the GPS. “I really have to go. Talk to you later.”

I ended the call and dimmed my headlights as I pulled onto the narrow bayside strip that led up to the Langdon’s summer house. I couldn’t even explain why I was so sure Sienna was inside. Somehow I just knew. It truly felt like an invisible force had pulled me here.
