Page 76 of Mine

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Paxton stared down at me. His face had gone completely blank. “You know, I always told myself something,” he said in a hollow voice. “I told myself that even if you came to me on your hands and knees one day, begging me to forgive you… I would never do it.”

I dropped my gaze. “I understand,” I murmured, wiping my tearstained cheeks. “I wouldn’t forgive me either. What I did was unforgivable.”

“You didn’t let me finish,” he said, dropping to a crouch. He raked a hand through his hair and exhaled deeply. Then he slid a key out of his pocket and undid the cuff on my ankle, freeing me from the chain.

“I told myself I wouldn’t do it,” he went on, not meeting my eyes. “But I never imagined how it would actually feel to see you like this. Hear you like this. Now I know I made a mistake. A huge fucking mistake.”

“Wait… what?” I blinked, staring at the red mark on my ankle. “You’re letting me go?”

Paxton nodded briskly and rose back to his full height. “I have to turn myself in,” he replied. His voice had taken on a gruff tone. “I deserve it for everything I’ve done to you. We both know it.”

“Wait. No.” I jumped to my feet. “Don’t call the cops.”

“I have to.” He scrubbed a hand over his face. “I’ve been so caught up in this vendetta against you that I just… I lost my fucking mind.”

“But I get it now,” I said softly, taking a tentative step toward him. “Really. I understand.”

“No. This is fucked up, Sienna. I turned myself into the exact same monster you always thought I was,” he said, shaking his head. I saw the exact same guilt I felt so deeply flashing in his ocean-blue eyes. “Everything I’ve done to you… I have to pay for it.”

As he spoke, he reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone. I slapped it right out of his hand as he began to dial. It hit the ground with a loud thud, creating a spiderwebbed crack across the screen.

He stared at me, flabbergasted. “What the fuck?”

“Sorry. I can’t let you call the cops.”

Paxton sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I have to, Sienna. I have to do the right thing. That means turning myself in.”

“No. I’m not going to be responsible for ruining your life again,” I said, taking another step toward him. “I’ll deny everything. I’ll say you didn’t do anything to me at all.”

“You aren’t responsible for any of this. I am. I should never have done any of this shit to you.” Paxton wasn’t looking at me now. He was staring at the chain on the floor, face etched with disgust. “I have to pay. It’s the only way out.”

My voice rose to a fever pitch. “You’ve already paid enough! Three years ago, you lost everything because of me!” I said, cheeks flushing hot. “I mean, for fuck’s sake… you almost paid with your life!”

“They don’t have the death penalty in Michigan,” he said softly, still not meeting my eyes.

“I know.” I folded my arms. “But you were accused of a terrible crime. By me. If the forensic team hadn’t found all that evidence to exonerate you, and everyone listened to my version of events, you would’ve been found guilty by a jury for sure. Prison life would’ve killed you. Maybe not physically. But you know what I mean. It would’ve destroyed you. Your life would’ve been as good as over. And it would’ve been my fault.”


“I won’t let it happen again. No way.”

Paxton raised his palms. “Sienna. Stop. Listen to me. I’m grateful for everything you’re saying. Really. But you don’t understand. I can’t have this on my conscience. I’m turning myself in, and there’s nothing you can do—”

As he spoke, I took another step closer, grabbed the sides of his face, and cut him off with a kiss.


Surprise registered in my foggy, fucked-up brain. For a heart-stopping second, I blinked, wondering if I was completely hallucinating Sienna kissing me.

She couldn’t kiss me. Shouldn’t kiss me. Not after everything I’d done to her. But her lips remained on mine anyway.

Instantly, my need for her started to burn me alive from the inside out, the thick fog of my guilt and melancholy clearing more and more with each press of her lips against mine.

Her neck lifted as I slid my tongue into her mouth, hands flying up to cradle her face. Her own hands moved lower and hooked around my hips, urging me closer. With a needy groan, I hoisted her up in the air, forcing her legs to wrap around my waist as I walked her over to the bed.

I threw her down and climbed on top of her, pinning her arms behind her head as my mouth continued to pepper her lips with savage, desperate kisses. My cock was already straining against my pants, throbbing and leaking precum as I slowly began to grind against her. She whimpered in response, running her fingers through my hair and scooting her hips up to let me rub myself between her legs.

Between kisses and shuddering, helpless groans, we stripped each other, hands frantically roaming everywhere as we explored every inch of each other’s bodies for what felt like the first time. When my lips found a sensitive spot on her throat, Sienna let out a deep moan and began to roll her hips in slow, inviting circles. Her soaked pussy lips parted around the head of my cock as I gently rubbed it on her to coat myself in her slick juices. She needed to be very wet for how hard I wanted to fuck her.
