Page 102 of The Hate Date

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What impresses me is how secluded and private it is, though it feels open and airy. The meticulously landscaped gardens add a touch of serenity, providing a peaceful retreat from the craziness of LA.

“Well? What do you think?” Clover and I stand side by side on the lawn. Soaking in the beauty of this place that could soon become our home. “I think we could create a lifetime of memories here.” My voice grows raw with emotion. “This house feels like a true sanctuary, a place where we can grow and thrive together.”

Clover turns to me, her eyes sparkling. “I can already imagine it.”

“We have a half hour.” I glance at my phone. “Not much time, where should we christen the house?”

She bats her eyes at me. “We’re not having sex here today, JJ.”

“You had your chance.” I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. “I know the perfect place.”

Clover boxes at my ass. “Let me down, omigod.”

“Just wait.” I slide my hand in the juncture of her thighs and wriggle it around a bit.

We approach the destination that I noticed, but I’m not sure if Clover did. I set her down and point to the wall.

“Is that?” Her eyes widen.

“An elevator?” I waggle my eyes.

I take a step and push the button. It opens. I step in and hold out my hand. “Wanna be naughty with me?”

“Yes.” She bites her lip. Her cheeks flush. She steps forward, takes my hand and I pull her inside.

We’re on the top floor adjusting our clothes when we hear Beatrice call for us.

I’m not going to lie, there’s no way she’s not going to know what we’ve been up to. The hem of Clover’s dress is stained with my come, a casualty of our hastiness.

“Be right down,” I bellow down the staircase.

Clover tries to brush herself off. “I’m trying to be embarrassed but considering this is my first walk of shame and it’s in my soon-to-be own house, I’m surprisingly fine with it.”

“You’re my dirty, sexy girl. That’s why.” I give her one more kiss and we practically skip down the stairs.

Beatrice eyeballs us up and down. “I take it you feel at home here?”

“Yes, we do.” I look at Clover.

She smiles up at me. “We’ll pay asking price, no contingencies except we want all the furniture. All cash. Close in ten days.”

“Excellent.” Beatrice nods. “I don’t see any reason why they won’t accept your offer. Let me make the call.”

The realtor steps outside, leaving us alone once again.

Clover and I fall into each other. This is monumental. We’ve just taken the first step toward permanence. We’re paying for the house equally, half coming from her and half from me.

“We’re going to have the best life here.” I sway with her in my arms. “And the best life in Manhattan.”

She squeezes me tighter against her. “I’m glad we pulled our heads out of our asses. I mean, I think our entire motto should be ‘why choose’ from now on.”

“As long as there’s not another dude involved, I’m okay with it.” I laugh. Clover’s slowly but surely building her romance collection back up again and seems to be reading a lot more of her reverse harem stuff.

“You’re no fun,” Clover teases, peppering kisses on my chin.

Beatrice enters the room, interrupting us. She holds up her phone. “We have a deal!”

Clover screams. I pick her up and twirl her around. “I can’t wait for us to move in.”
