Page 103 of The Hate Date

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Later that night, Clover sleeps soundly.

I’m exhausted too, we made love for hours in celebration of our new home.

We may have been serious for just a few months, but I have big plans for us. The only time I’ll have to work on them is when she’s asleep, so I’m taking advantage of the opportunity. Things are more urgent now.


For the next two hours, I plot. Scheme. Gather my resources. Get my affairs in order.

If I play this smartly, Clover will fall into my carefully set trap.

This one, I’m certain she’ll like.


Valentine's Day - Clover

Production on the second season of The Boyfriend Experiment started a week early.

We’re in rehearsals, and with Ronni in Seattle for a wedding, I’m feeling a bit blue. Maybe I’m just lonely. It’s Valentine’s Day, and Joar’s in Dublin. The first season drops today and he won’t be here to watch it with me. Sure, we saw it together weeks ago when I received my advance screener copy, but it’s not the same as when it’s out for real.

I hope the public loves it because I think it’s incredible. I can’t even believe the woman on the screen is me.

My plan is to go to the cast and crew party at the hotel. It’ll be fun, we have a great group.

I miss my man, though.

We’re not filming yet, so I’m dressed casually in a white T-shirt, jeans, and a blue-plaid shirt tied at my waist. I’m going over the blocking instructions when the door to my dressing room swings open. It’s the head of security. “Clover, I need you to come with me urgently.” He looks a bit nervous. “We’ve had a bit of a breach.”

“What do you mean?” My heart pounds in my chest.

He gestures for me to follow him. “I don’t think it’s a safety issue, but there’s someone here who says he knows you. He’s downstairs on the main floor by the sound stages.”

Curiosity piques so I speedily gather my belongings and follow the guard through the bustling corridors of the studio, the familiar hum of activity surrounds us. The elevator doors open. Memories flood my mind, as they always do when I remember the time Joar and I fucked each other silly for eight hours straight in here.

A serendipitous moment that forever changed our lives.

We reach the bottom floor, and no one is there. “Huh.” The guard scratches his beard. “Wait here, I’ll go see if I can find him.”

While I wait, a few crew members pass by and wave. Then turn and snicker to themselves. I glance down at my clothes, checking for stains. Nothing. It’s weird, but I’m unbothered.

When the guard doesn’t return after five minutes, I decide the crew was pranking me and go back up to my dressing room.

I sit at the vanity. Text Joar about what happened. Scroll TikTok. Decide to make a cup of tea. As I wait for the water to boil, I allow myself to daydream about our perfect new house. How I’m going to decorate. Then my thoughts turn to visuals of Joar and I christening the master, master bath, pool, hot tub…

I shake my head vigorously. I cannot think about us fucking without being sad. Or horny. I’m already missing Joar and video sex is all we’ll have for the next four weeks.

Regardless of our temporary separation, I’m excited for our future. Joar and I are committed and moving forward. It’s funny, though. We have our living situation sorted out. I’m going off the pill after we finish shooting. But, aside from a few in-the-moment utterances after sex, he’s never brought up getting married. Not for real.

I haven’t brought it up, either.

Now more than ever, I know my heart. I’m ready to marry him. It’s what I want. When he gets back from Dublin, it will be our next serious conversation.

The kettle whistles, snapping me back to reality. I make my tea and bring it back to the vanity.

When I look in the mirror, that’s when I see it.

A yellow Post-it note.
