Page 104 of The Hate Date

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My heart races as I pluck it off.

Meet me in our Elevator

9:30 am

Don’t be Late

Omigod! Is Joar here?

I grab my phone to check the time. Crap. It’s 9:45.

I’m late!

Running down the hall to the elevator, I skid to a stop and press the button over and over, hoping to make it arrive sooner. I look at the marker, and it seems to be stuck on the second floor. I stab the button again. Again. Again. Again.


Finally, I watch it make its way to my floor. My heart thunders in my chest. I cannot wait to see Joar. I shouldn’t have doubted he’d find a way to be with me on Valentine’s Day—our first as a couple.

When the doors open, there’s no one there.

Feeling a bit heartbroken, I step back inside. Notice that the button’s been pressed to the top floor.

The floor where JJ’s office is.


As the doors open when I reach the destination, my eyes widen in surprise. There stands Joar in all his gorgeous full-suited glory, his presence radiating a blend of nervousness and determination. My heart skips a beat as I take in the sight of the man I love, waiting for me with an air of significance. Time seems to stand still as I walk toward him, meeting his gaze.

“Clover,” Joar begins, his voice soft yet brimming with emotion. “I’ve been given the gift of witnessing your strength, resilience, and unwavering spirit. You’ve brought light into my life and awakened a love in me that I never knew existed.”

My heart flutters, and I feel a wave of warmth wash over me. It’s as if the world around us fades away, leaving Joar and me standing in this moment.

He takes a step closer, his hand reaching out to grasp mine. Gets down on one knee. Opens a circular, leather box to reveal the most incredible ring I’ve ever seen—an exquisite emerald-cut diamond, in a classic solitaire setting. It must be at least ten carats. “Clover, I can’t imagine my life without you. You are my rock, my inspiration, the love of my life. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

A mixture of joy, surprise, and overwhelming love fills every fiber of my being. Tears well up in my eyes as I nod, unable to figure out the words to express the depth of my emotions. I throw my arms around him, hoping he can feel how much his very being fills my heart and soul.

“I love you so much, JJ.” I flutter kisses all over his face. “You make me so happy. I can’t wait to spend my life with you.”

We hold each other tightly, whispering words of eternal love and devotion. Our tears of joy flow unashamedly. I have no doubt that saying yes to Joar means a lifetime of love, laughter, and shared dreams.

“I have one more surprise for you today.” Joar stands and kisses me deeply. “Everyone has been sent home so we have the entire studio to ourselves.

I can feel my entire body flush. “Must be nice to be a domineering boss,” I tease.

He presses the elevator button. Wiggles his fingers for me to take his hand. “You know it.”

The doors open. The cab is now filled with fluffy pillows and plush, thick blankets. I cock my head. “You know, I’m never going to be able to go back and forth to set in this thing. All I’ll be thinking about is you and me…”

“Clover.“ Joar wiggles his fingers again.

“JJ.“ I grab his hand and am nearly blinded by my new bling.

“Get in here.” He tugs me and I tumble into his arms. He reaches out and presses the “stop” button on the panel.

The elevator doors closes just as he drops a searing kiss on my lips.
