Page 16 of The Hate Date

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I’m ready to put this Eminence Partners mess behind me and move the fuck on to bigger and better things.

My phone lights up with a text from Zed: She’s on the move.

I text back: Cool, I’ve got this from here. You can go.

With that part done, I grab my tool bag and step outside the office. Zed parked the elevator on my floor to ensure I can ride with Clover alone. I get in and press “G.” The way I figure it, if I can talk Clover into having dinner with me, I’ll turn on the charm and see what she’ll spill.

I’m still here for one more night, after all. Even though my plans have changed, it’s certainly worth a try.

If not, so be it. I’ll be on my merry way first thing tomorrow morning. Once I leave, Seth will take over as he probably should have in the first place. I’m still kicking myself for allowing myself to get too personally invested in this matter.

Uncharacteristically, I might add.

The elevator door opens to the floor where the dressing rooms are located. Clover teeters into the cab wearing those ridiculously high pink pumps, looking utterly exhausted. For fuck’s sake, she wears essentially the same outfit she had on earlier today, with a pink jacket thrown over the flimsy pink bra top. “Oh, it’s you. Elevator guy.” Her eyes widen when she recognizes me.

“I could have sworn I was The Cactus Club guy.” I shrug as the doors close behind her. “You going out?”

Clover nods. “Yeah…um, no. I planned on meeting my friend Pax for a drink, but now it’s a bunch of the crew. I’m peopled out so I just texted him to cancel.”

“Peopled out?” I’ve never heard of such a thing.

She closes her jacket in front of her cleavage. “Yeah, I know it might seem weird. I’ve been on set with everyone all day and I’ve had to be ‘on.’ Hanging out with Pax is easy, but I’m not up for a big group. Looks like it’s sweats, room service and a good book for me tonight.”

“What a shame. You’re all dressed up with nowhere to go.” I turn toward her. It’s the perfect opportunity to convince her to grab dinner in a nice quiet restaurant. Who knows, maybe I’ll get another nip-slip if I’m lucky.

Her eyes meet mine.


God, we have chemistry.

She licks her lips, staring at me like I’m filet mignon. “Ha ha. It’s been a long day. My scenes were a little emotionally taxing so…”

“I’m JJ.” I hold out my hand, not sure why I dropped my foster care nickname instead of “Joar.”

She places her hand in mine with no hesitation. “Clover.”

“I won’t make a loser joke about it being my lucky day.” I wink.

She cocks her head sassily. “Good, then I won’t have to roll my eyes all the way back into my head.”

Well, well…she’s a little firecracker.

“Oh-kay…point taken. How about I make up for my cheesy one-liner by taking you to dinner?” I fix my gaze on her. Nod my head slightly in the universal “I want to fuck you now” sort of way.

Her entire face pinkens. Like I’ve surprised her. She looks around and word vomits, “Oh…um…oh, uh…gosh. Um. That’s so nice. Um. I don’t really know you…”

Suddenly, the elevator comes to a jolting stop. The lights flicker but stay on. Clover shrieks, clearly panicked. I realize we’re still having a friendly handshake when she crushes my fingers like a vise.

It takes me a second to process what just happened. Are we stuck here? Is the elevator broken? How will we be rescued?


Now I have to totally switch gears. This stupid incident throws a huge wrench in my strategy, but I’ll adapt. I always do.

Protector. That’s my play.

“Hey.” I gently loosen the grip of her soft, supple fingers from mine. “It’s going to be fine. I’m here with you.”
