Page 37 of The Hate Date

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When he comes around again, and something tells me he will…

I’ll need to cling to this feeling of hate like a lifeline.

Chapter fourteen


Two Months Later

Clover Callahan is infuriating.

I abhor a martyr.

I’m still not sure why I bothered trying to apologize. I should have left it well enough alone. A chance night in an elevator. World-class fuck. End of story.

Yet, I’m still thinking about her. Obsessing about her. I’ve made a million plans to run into her. Then I get pissed again and make other plans.

It’s not like I know where she is. I stopped having Zed tail her the day she kicked me out of her dressing room.

She’s still living rent-free in my brain, though, that’s for goddamn sure.

Doesn’t help that she’s all over the fucking news.

Ronni Miller has found herself in the middle of a shitstorm related to that asshole Don Kircher. Consequently, Netflix and Kris Blakely have Clover making the media rounds on her own in an attempt to keep heat off Ronni and the show.

From all accounts—and I’ve made it my business to know—the buzz on The Boyfriend Experiment is incredible. Everyone knows, just like everything else in Hollywood, the project will be shelved without a second thought if there’s any ongoing controversy.

However, the way Clover is charming her way through the press circuit and turning things around? A big, fat bonus should be forthcoming.

I turn on the wall of monitors at the far end of my office. Clover is making another appearance this morning. As if she’s taunting me, her beautiful, sunny face appears on every screen. She’s being interviewed by Hoda Kotb on the third hour of The Today Show. I turn up the volume because I’m a fucking glutton for punishment.

God, she’s radiant in a tight, black pencil skirt that hugs her luscious ass and a bright-pink blouse cut low but tasteful. Her black hair is slicked back into a sleek, low ponytail revealing dramatically large silver hoop earrings. Her eyes are rimmed with black, making them appear even more like a tropical sea.

Holy hell, she’s wearing those pink stiletto pumps from the elevator.

I’m instantly hard.


“Tell me about this experiment you’re doing, Clover.” Hoda’s eyes sparkle enthusiastically.

Clover dips her chin and looks up coquettishly. “Whatever do you mean?”

“Well, you dropped out of sight for a few years, got divorced, and suddenly got a starring role on a new show produced by the dream team of Ronni Miller and Kris Blakely. Talk about a comeback!” Hoda nods encouragingly. “Word on the street is your life is imitating fiction”

Clover laughs. “You could say that. My character, Jenna Lewis, in The Boyfriend Experiment goes through a breakup and decides her taste in men is terrible. To avoid making another mistake, she dedicates a year of her life to dating guys she’d never have considered in the past.”

“Go on…” Hoda waggles her eyebrows.

“I decided it was an excellent idea for myself.” Clover clasps her hands enthusiastically. “I gave up my thriving career because a powerful man asked me to. When it all fell apart, I was left scared and alone. Luckily, I insisted on a prenup which meant all of the property I owned before I got married—including my house—remained mine.”

Hoda looks skeptical. “You had nothing to do with your husband’s business dealings? Wasn’t he your business manager?”

“None.” I shake my head. “In answer to your question, Harrison Finklestein was my business manager when I was actively working. When I quit the entertainment business, I didn’t have any business to manage.”

Hoda looks down at her notecards and goes in for the kill. “Clover, you have to be aware that many people are speculating the money you received in your divorce settlement is money your ex stole from his clients. Are you refuting that?”

“Yes. Unequivocally. Everything I kept in our divorce was mine to begin with. I had no idea what he was up to. None.” Clover’s bottom lip quivers. “The truth is, I was completely blindsided. I’m mortified that all of this happened.”
