Page 79 of The Hate Date

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I love her.

I’m marrying her.

Who knows, maybe she’ll be Mrs. Jacoby sooner rather than later.

Chapter twenty-nine


Three Days Later


Such a weird word.

When I left the hospital, a staff psychologist provided me with some booklets about surviving a residential fire. Essentially, what it says is: I’ve been through a traumatic event and it’s going to take a while to process it all.

Isn’t life about surviving the shit that’s thrown at you?

Lecherous, abusive workplaces.

Philandering, thieving husbands.

Electrical fires.

I toss the booklet aside. I don’t need anyone to tell me to shower and get dressed. Or to sleep, eat, or fuck. I’ve got all of that covered.

I’ve never found any of the psychology mumbo-jumbo particularly useful.

Pick up the pieces. Move on.

It’s what I do.

Nothing is insurmountable. Even getting the insurance adjuster a list of what was lost in the fire—arguably my biggest task—is going to be a breeze. Harrison and I already painstakingly documented our property and assets in the divorce. Other than my renovations and buying a ton of paperbacks to fill my library, I’m essentially already done.

Grabbing my iPad, I tuck my feet under myself and open my Kindle app to start the latest Lauren Rowe novel.

“There you are.” Joar strides into the living room a few minutes after noon, looking delectable in a dress shirt and slacks. His assistant, Sahid waves as he leaves. They’ve been working on the Australia deal since four this morning. “I’m starving. Are you hungry?”

“I could eat.” I set the iPad next to me.

Joar moves closer. His hair is getting longer on top. I flick my eyes up his body. “What would you like?”

“My insurance adjuster is coming over in an hour. Maybe something quick.” I unfurl my legs. Bite my lip.

His violet eyes are hypnotic. Hard. Intense. After hours of working, he’s turned his attention fully on me and I’m a grateful hostage. When he looks at me like this, his gaze holds my body captive as if he’s physically restraining me.

Joar’s voice is low, shredded. “Clover…”

So many thoughts run through my head as he prowls toward me.

Ever since Joar and I started—whatever our relationship is—I’ve resisted being pulled in by this man who seems—at times—dangerous to my own sanity. Yet, we’re like magnets. Together, we revive something deep inside ourselves.

Faith, maybe?

I’m feeling so Zen. He and I have some things to work out, but who doesn’t?

He flew twenty-eight hours round trip to get to me. That tells me everything I need to know.
