Page 82 of The Hate Date

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The car drops me off at my building. Everyone from the security guards to the baristas react with astonishment when I stroll through the lobby. It’s been five months, I realize. No wonder they look like they’re seeing a ghost.

A whistling, grinning ghost.

Hopefully, I’m not walking funny. On the flight over, I initiated Clover into the mile-high club. Three times.

Seth is waiting in the conference room along with the heads of every department. For the next five days, it’s an all-hands-on-deck strategic planning session for next year. Rather than wait until December, I’ve always felt that the best time to plan for the future is in the fall. Less distractions. No holiday-related excuses.

The day is tough, but productive.

We have a two-hour break to catch up on emails and work, then my upper management is meeting for a working dinner at Jean-Georges.

I’m about to catch the elevator to my office on the top floor when Seth stops me. “I’m coming with you.”

“Sure.” I gesture for him to join me.

When we’re alone, Seth turns to me. “I know you said to take surveillance off her, but I didn’t.”

“Godfucking dammit.“ I pound the side of the wall. What a way to ruin my day. He should know better, Seth has been my best friend for thirty years. I’ve never been so mad in all my life.

At least he has the decency to look somewhat contrite. Neither of us speak until we reach the top floor. When the doors open, I storm past several support staff, including my longtime New York-based assistant, Shandelle, push through the glass doors to my office and throw my briefcase across the room. Not giving two shits that everyone can see my wrath.

Seth calmly follows me. Takes a seat on a white leather couch in the seating area. I press a button on the wall and the glass panels turn opaque and soundproof.

Only then do I bellow, “What the actual fuck.”

“You’re going to thank me in a minute. Let me know when your temper tantrum is over.” He crosses his leg. Reclines back. Waits.

Something in his expression terrifies me. The weight of what he’s about to tell me feels like cement sacks on my shoulders. I want to draw out this moment of not knowing. I want to keep living in a world where Seth hasn’t uncovered information that could potentially shatter everything I’ve built with Clover.

Out of some sense of self-preservation, I turn my back on him. Stand at the window.

My office overlooks Central Park, a breathtaking sight that never fails to captivate me. The floor-to-ceiling windows bathe the room in natural light and provide an unobstructed view of the greenery and meandering pathways of the park.

Ultimately, I’m not a loser who buries his head in the sand. I turn to face my best friend. “Spit it out. What did you find?” My voice is filled with curiosity. Apprehension.

He takes a deep breath before speaking, carefully choosing his words. “There’s no easy way to say this.” He clears his throat. “I’ve come into possession of several voicemail recordings regarding the fire at Clover’s house…”

“What?” My heart sinks to the bottom floor of this building. I’m enraged. “Just tell me. Fucking tell me.”

Seth remains the calm in my storm. “Joar. Clover and Harrison are splitting the insurance money. It was part of a secret deal they made in the divorce.”

“Not a fucking chance.” I don’t believe this. Not for one goddamn minute. The house is in Clover’s name. Something’s fishy.

Seth pulls out his phone as I take a seat opposite where he’s sitting. “Let me play the recordings for you. They’re from Harrison’s mobile.”

He taps his phone. Clover’s sweet, sing-songy voice comes through the speaker.

“Harrison. I’ll be gone for the next few days. You can go to the house when I’m not there.”

I look at him quizzically. “So?”

“Joar, these are messages Clover left for Harrison the day before the fire.” He glances down at his phone. “Let me play the rest of them before you interrupt again.”

He taps his phone.

I got your message. Just make sure you don’t leave anything behind. I’m serious. I’ll call you when I leave the house.

Hi. Okay. I’ll make sure I’m gone between eleven and four.
