Page 88 of The Hate Date

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But I feel it.

I’m the one she loves. I’m also the one who’s hurt her the most today. Not Harrison.


I move behind her. Gently rest my hands on her shoulders. “I don’t know how to turn myself off.” I’m filled with genuine regret. “I’m great at business. Shit at relationships.”

Clover finally turns to face me. “It hurts when you don’t listen, Joar. I hope you won’t take it upon yourself to fix this on your own. I don’t want that kind of relationship. We can get past what happened today, but you have to stop being an island. We’re supposed to be in this together.”

I take a deep breath, trying to figure out how to convey my deep remorse. “You’re right. We’re stronger together. I promise to do better.”

She hesitates for a moment. “We can’t change what happened but we can move forward. She glances out the window. “It’s dark. You’re extremely late for the dinner with your team. You should go.”

Shit. This voicemail thing has derailed everything that’s important to me. Harrison will pay.

Mark. My. Word.

Tonight’s when my focus should be on my executive team and business. Instead, I’ve let my doubts about Clover affect both our relationship and my professional life. “Fuck.“ This dinner is crucial. “But, it’s not just me who needs to go. I want you by my side.”

Clover is uncertain, that much is apparent. “I’ll go because I said I would, Joar.” She brushes past me and heads back to my private restroom. “Rebuilding trust will take time.”

While she takes a second to freshen up, I pull myself together.

Until Clover turned my life upside down, I was determined to remain alone. I’d never let a woman derail my ambition. Have I let my ambition derail my own sense of self? Am I really fulfilled every time I acquire a new company? Or am I addicted to the rush. The power. The prestige.

My capabilities of being an adult in this relationship have proven to be less than ideal. I’ve steamrolled this sweet, sexy woman from the beginning. It’s time for me to wise up and fast. A comment she made a while ago sticks with me.

I’m just another deal to close. What happens when you succeed?

It’s time for me to be a real partner to Clover. To earn back my nickname. Then, just maybe, we can build something lasting.


She emerges looking fresh and pulled together. No one would ever guess what had transpired between us during the past two tumultuous hours. Quietly, we walk out the door, down the elevator, through the lobby into my waiting car. Clover turns away from me on the drive over but keeps her hand on my thigh.

I place my hand on top of hers. The road to healing won’t be easy, but I’m committed to growing the fuck up where she’s concerned. She’s worth it.

We’re worth it.

Ten minutes later, we walk hand in hand into the exquisite ambiance of Jean-Georges. The dimly lit space is adorned with modern decor, sleek lines, and tasteful artwork. An intoxicating aroma of culinary delights fills the room.

We follow the hostess to the private dining area where my team, who are engaged in lively conversation, are seated at a long table, beautifully set, bathed in soft candlelight. The panoramic view of the opposite side of Central Park stretches out before us, a breathtaking backdrop that adds a touch of magic to the atmosphere.

When we enter the room, everyone stops what they are doing and stares. In my twenty-five years of building this company, I’ve never brought a woman to a company event, so I’m sure they are shocked.

Seth catches my eye, horrified that Clover is with me. I shoot him a look that we’ve perfected over the years.

It’s under control.

“Something came up, my apologies for being late.” I tuck Clover’s hand under my arm. “I’d like you all to meet my girlfriend, Clover Callahan. She’ll be joining us tonight. Before we begin, please feel free to introduce yourself to her by describing your role and your number-one objective for next year. Seth, you go first, then I’ll need a quick word.”

I pull out Clover’s chair and scoot her into the table while Seth complies with my request. When he’s finished, the rest of the team meets Clover, and I take Seth aside. “It was voice AI. Harrison’s behind it. Kircher’s involved. I’ll fill you in tomorrow.”

He nods skeptically but takes his seat without questioning me further. We’ve known each other long enough for him to trust my judgment.

As the evening progresses, Clover is engaging and delightful, effortlessly connecting with each executive, charming them in the process. Even Seth is taken in by her anecdotes and stories about everything from pop culture to world leaders. It shouldn’t surprise me, but she’s a natural in this setting.

Conversation turns to Jacoby International business, where we toast to our goals of acquiring key properties in Dublin, Sao Paulo, and Seattle, and discuss how these expansions will elevate the company’s presence in the global market.
